The Rest Stop

This weekend I’m off to enjoy the company of friends being in town, random excursions, meeting up with family and probably not doing any work at all for the first time in I don’t know how long. It is special and necessary to take a breather once in a while. And when the climate is sunny with a burst of chill it’s quite easy to get lost in the relaxation of a weekend.

I am doing my best to make more time for loved ones on the weekend, but don’t worry I will still be catching up on your lovely blogs in due time. Do you have any special plans for the weekend or even for the coming week?

Slow down and everything you are chasing will come around and catch you. 

~John De Paola

The goods: Tee-Express, Denim-TopShop, Scarf-Ladyofashion, boot-straps-DIY, Earrings-gifted, Jacket-thrifted, Leather bag-African trade shop-Seattle

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  • Closet Fashionista says:

    LOVE this outfit! That bag is sooo awesome! 😀
    (and your day/night outfit is great too, but I wanted to comment on this post, haha)

  • Pullyoursocksup says:

    Oh what a lovely post:)).  You are beautiful and I love your leather jacket and bag so much!  I hope you enjoyed relaxing with your loved ones – great advice to slow down:)) xo

  • Eli_fm says:

    that quote is amazing… thanks!

  • Pullyoursocksup says:

    Oh what a lovely post:)).  You are beautiful and I love your leather jacket and bag so much!  I hope you enjoyed relaxing with your loved ones – great advice to slow down:)) xo

  • Mel says:

    I know exactly what you mean. I feel like we need more hours in the day to make time for blog visits. I have been such a bad blogger these days. :/ I hope you enjoyed your weekend. 🙂


  • Oh to Be a Muse says:

    i really like your African-inspired bag. sounds like a splendid weekend w/o work and with friends and family. i love spending time with the hubs & the dogs on the weekends.

  • Frankie hearts fashion says:
  • Mel says:

    I know exactly what you mean. I feel like we need more hours in the day to make time for blog visits. I have been such a bad blogger these days. :/ I hope you enjoyed your weekend. 🙂


  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks Courtney! 😉 Happy Monday.

  • Kristin & Megan says:

    Your jacket is too fab!

  • Mary Jo at Trustyourstyle says:

    I'm glad you were able to take some time off. I made an effort to do no work yesterday and just see friends and family. It's so important to recharge!

    xo Mary Jo

  • Oh to Be a Muse says:

    i really like your African-inspired bag. sounds like a splendid weekend w/o work and with friends and family. i love spending time with the hubs & the dogs on the weekends.

  • Frankie hearts fashion says:
  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks Courtney! 😉 Happy Monday.

  • Kristin & Megan says:

    Your jacket is too fab!

  • Mary Jo at Trustyourstyle says:

    I&#39m glad you were able to take some time off. I made an effort to do no work yesterday and just see friends and family. It&#39s so important to recharge!

    xo Mary Jo


    Such an awesome little bag!  Have fun with your friends and thanks for the inspiring quote!!  (And also thank you for the sweet encouragement.)

  • Mikaela says:

    Sounds like a very nice weekend! I love that little bag too. It's nice to be able to just relax with friends some times 🙂
    Thanks for your comment xx

  • Melissa says:

    Your weekend sounds so relaxing and ideal. Love that handbag!


    Such an awesome little bag!  Have fun with your friends and thanks for the inspiring quote!!  (And also thank you for the sweet encouragement.)

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thank you! This quote is a favourite!  Happy weekend! 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks MJ! I agree and it's been nice to take it a bit slower and enjoy!  Hugs!-xxoo

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Happy that you made time to stop by as well! Enjoy your week Alexis! 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Aww, thank you dear! It has been an amazing break and I have Monday off so I am enjoying! -xo

  • Mikaela says:

    Sounds like a very nice weekend! I love that little bag too. It&#39s nice to be able to just relax with friends some times 🙂
    Thanks for your comment xx

  • kavery says:

    Love the quote. We run around too much these days. Love the smart jacket. Have fun taking it easy.

  • Pvdh says:

    Oh well I think that it is safe to say that I spent the weekend sleeping (and getting my hair cut…very short!). 

    Love the bag!


  • Daniella says:

    Great post my dear! I also like to take the weekends to spend some time with loved ones 🙂

    Take care,Daniella xox

  • Liesl says:

    What a great blog you have!  Thank you so much for stopping by mine, and I love that John De Paola quote, which I hadn't heard before…how wonderful! 🙂

  • sabrina says:

    beautiful pics!!!

  • sartorialsidelines says:

    Such a great quote – I need to be reminded of that sometimes! And I love the leather jacket.

    Courtney ~

  • kavery says:

    Love the quote. We run around too much these days. Love the smart jacket. Have fun taking it easy.

  • Vix says:

    What a fab quote and such a stunning picture of you, Madison, looking so chilled and beautiful. Love you purse and hoping you managed some good old R&R this weekend. x

  • M.J McDermott says:

    That sounds like the perfect weekend!  Sometimes you do need to slow down, enjoy your family, and take a break from work.  I know I'm definitely trying to do a lot more of that.

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thank you. It's been a great wkd. already!

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Will do! Thanks!

  • Ladyofashion says:

    lol, yes, I used to be that way (very stressed) as well. Everyone needs a "leave me alone day'   Enjoy your Sunday! 😉

  • Jamillah says:

    Aw, love that quote. And you look great, that biker jacket is so super cute on you. Have so much fun on your little break, YES make time for friends they are so important. Love ya Madd!

  • Johanna says:

    Nice look, I like it 🙂 xoxo ♥

    Thanks for visiting my blog! 

  • Audrey says:

    I love that bag, very cute outfit! 
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend 🙂
    Be Frassy 

  • Alexis Grace says:

    I have had a friend in town this weekend— it has been great to catch up and run around.  Glad I made time to stop by—- i love the quote you shared!

  • Sherin says:

    Sounds like you have a great weekend planned. Hope you enjoyed it and stay relaxed. 

  • Audrey says:

    I love that bag, very cute outfit! 
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend 🙂
    Be Frassy 

  • Absolutely Mrs. K says:

    i am a very stressy person, even if i am relaxing, i am not completely relaxing! so the weekend is most of the time a 'leave me alone' time! i am running around in my pj's with no make up on!!! you get the picture ;)! and yes we should make more time for loved ones 

  • Alexis Grace says:

    I have had a friend in town this weekend— it has been great to catch up and run around.  Glad I made time to stop by—- i love the quote you shared!

  • Rocquelle P. says:

    It is important to do nothing sometimes (as hard as it may be)!! You look lOvely my dear.

  • Rocquelle P. says:

    It is important to do nothing sometimes (as hard as it may be)!! You look lOvely my dear.


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