My ... Testing, Testing: 1, 2, 3: The Lash Genius

Oh Lord, not another review by a fashion blogger!

Sit tight and keep your skirt on! All jokes aside let's be clear, you know that I don't like jumping on the bandwagon, (because you know it would be a Concorde) and you may have seen several reviews on this, but it wasn't mine. This was too interesting and I wanted to give it a try! Just like certain lipsticks or any new item ... you don't know until you've tried it out yourself!

Being a beauty product enthusiast I love putting cosmetics to the test! Certainly, sometimes they work and sometimes they may not live up to the marketing hype. Normally I'm very selective when it comes to specific beauty products because of my allergies. But, I decided to give it a go when I received a parcel from Anastasia of Beverly Hills because it was pretty intriguing.

I've used their products in the past and liked them, but this was absolutely far different than what I've used before. Anastasia calls it the Lash Genius; it's essentially a top coat sealant that protects your mascara. It's waterproof and glides on clear.

Anastasia - Beverly Hills

What? Yes, I wondered this as well pondering if something like this could in fact work: those times when wearing fun make-up dancing the night away, standing in the rain, or if I just happen to be having one of those tearjerker moments during a movie night. Right, then. Here's the verdict:

After I applied my favourite mascara and waited for it to dry I used the Lash Genius as a finisher. My lashes are already quite long, so I'd say if you want a super "dramatic" effect you could easily use false lashes or a higher volume mascara brand with this as well. I used it with Maybelline's Falsies mascara for the first time, then a thicker type: Volum'up by Agnes b., as well as Lancome's (regular Hypnose) the next few times. Whichever your "go-to mascara" is, use that!

Ladyofashion The Lash Genius Review

Cons made into Pros-

Some people say that it's hard to take off ... given the fact that it's "waterproofing"  yes, it was a bit difficult in my first use to remove it (with regular make-up remover), however after the second usage the beauty wisdom fairy whispered, no yelled in my ear, "use your make-up removing towelettes woman!" Hello! This completely solved the minor issue at hand and allowed me to carefully remove at the root of the lashes.

This formula stays like a second skin, so you will definitely need to take it off securely.

*Good Tip:

I believe it also depends on what brand of mascara used initially, because I found that with some brands it was easier to remove than others. Interestingly enough, using it with Maybelline Falsies made it more difficult for me, so I used other mascaras and it worked great! But, that's just me. I don't like clumpy eyes, do you? FYI: The Lash Genius itself doesn't clump at all.

The next day I put it through tests: facial water splashes, tears of excitement (only because there was no rain where I was) ... it survived through date night, extended work hours, and even a heat infused environment, all with the caution of using the brilliant tip stated above.

Anastasia The Lash Genius - Press


It's easy to use, instantly waterproofs any mascara.

Another cool factor that I noticed was that it actually improved the look of my lashes. I decided to use one side with the Lash Genius and one without going about town.

Since I have no problem talking to strangers I asked a few random folks (the fashion-friendly with fabulous shoes) and they did notice a difference as well. I also used this without mascara, merely because it seemed to work nicely alone. But, thou shall not waterproof naked lashes should they? Oh well, I did!

Would I recommend this to a beauty gal to give it a try? Yes!

I'd give this an 8 out of 10 only because I am an on-the-go kind of lady, and this would add an extra step to my beauty routine. Okay, fine, 9.5 it is!

You gotta love the things us ladies do for pretty! I hope that you enjoyed this lovely beauty distraction for the day.

*All opinions expressed are my own.

Product: Lash Genius courtesy of Anastasia

Details and Availability:

When: May 2012

Where: Exclusively sold at Sephora stores (including their online site first), and hopefully more places since good ol' Union Jack made a cameo in their press booklet! 

Price: $21.00

Made from: Jellified triglycerides, high melting point wax, and silicone resin.

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  • Fabriziaspinelli says:

    Such a great revie, I really like it, these
    pics are so nice!

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  • sabrina says:

    beautiful post!!

  • Noelani@MonPetitChouChou says:

    I hate anything that requires make up remover, haha. But with a rating like this, I suppose maybe I should give it a go, the photos are pretty dramatic.

  • Blond Duck says:

    It sounds...genius!

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks Mary Jo! There's actually many types of make-up remover without chemicals, some are aloe based, cucumber, and even olive oil, etc. 

  • Joanne Faith says:

    Great review! I hadn't actually heard of this product before... but it looks like a good way to get more out of your mascara!

  • Noelani@MonPetitChouChou says:

    I hate anything that requires make up remover, haha. But with a rating like this, I suppose maybe I should give it a go, the photos are pretty dramatic.

  • Ladyofashion says:

    No, I've actually never tried Estee Lauder's serum. let me know how it works if you do give it a try.

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thank you Daphne! xx

  • Kristin & Megan says:

    I think your lashes look pretty bad arse. Wish I wasn't so lazy when it came to makeup. Ha!

  • Blond Duck says:

    It sounds...genius!

  • Frannie Pantz says:

    What a great review.  Looks like a great product too.  I have itty bitty lashes--always looking to make them longer.  Thanks so much for stopping by my blog.  Take care.

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thank you Daphne! xx

  • Bagbrag says:

    hi,im just wondering hv u ever review on the estee lader night repair serum coz i thought of getting it for my skin regime

  • Frannie Pantz says:

    What a great review.  Looks like a great product too.  I have itty bitty lashes--always looking to make them longer.  Thanks so much for stopping by my blog.  Take care.

  • Bagbrag says:

    hi,im just wondering hv u ever review on the estee lader night repair serum coz i thought of getting it for my skin regime

  • Fashion Confessions of a Mommy says:

    Great review. You write well.

  • QT says:


  • Mary Jo at Trustyourstyle says:

    This is actually really interesting to me since I tend to rub off my mascara EVERY time...that said, I don't like using a remover because of the chemicals, so I stick with a simple waterproof version. But this looks really great on you!

    xo Mary Jo

  • Fashion Confessions of a Mommy says:

    Great review. You write well.

  • Marina says:

    That's the beauty of reviews by different fashion bloggers. We all have different experiences with the same exact products. Great review doll.

    PS. Thank you for your comment on my blog and would love to follow each other if you like. Hope to hear from you soon.

    <3 Marina     

  • Steffi Santa says:

    great review. thanks for dropping by sweetie <3 

  • QT says:


  • Audrey Allure says:

    This reminds me - I have to do my review too haha. I haven't tried it yet but it looks great! 🙂

  • Mary Jo at Trustyourstyle says:

    This is actually really interesting to me since I tend to rub off my mascara EVERY time...that said, I don&#39t like using a remover because of the chemicals, so I stick with a simple waterproof version. But this looks really great on you!

    xo Mary Jo

  • Ladyofashion says:


  • Sam says:

    Hi sweety, thanks so much for stopping by...great review, very informative and thorough. 

  • Marina says:

    That&#39s the beauty of reviews by different fashion bloggers. We all have different experiences with the same exact products. Great review doll.

    PS. Thank you for your comment on my blog and would love to follow each other if you like. Hope to hear from you soon.

    <3 Marina     

  • Steffi Santa says:

    great review. thanks for dropping by sweetie <3;

  • Audrey Allure says:

    This reminds me - I have to do my review too haha. I haven&#39t tried it yet but it looks great! 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Definitely! Thanks. 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    haha! Thanks Cheryl, this comment made me smile. Totally agree. I've been reading a lot of people's opinions on reviews. But I love them, probably how i find out about my beauty products. Glad that you like this product, it rocks! -xo

  • Oh to Be a Muse says:

    I like the cons made into pros. and I have seen other bloggers do reviews of this product, but you know what? that doesn't matter. everyone has a different experience with a product, so sometimes, the more reviews, the better. plus, this is your blog so you should be able to write whatever you want to write. i like this product now!

  • Ladyofashion says:

    haha! Why thank you my dear. Glad that you enjoyed it. -xx

  • Ladyofashion says:


  • Sam says:

    Hi sweety, thanks so much for stopping by...great review, very informative and thorough. 

  • francesca romana capizzi says:

    I have never read a review like this, you made me laugh and crave this lash genius! You are a genius!

    Don't Call
    Me Fashion Blogger




  • Hello Friday says:

    Thanks for the review! xoxo

  • Absolutely Mrs. K says:

    haahhhaa funny report! love the photos too, they are very clear! 

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thank you Kim! Had to put the Ladyofashion touch on this you know! lol  🙂

  • Josie says:

    Your lashes look super lush -- I love it!
    xo Josie

  • Kirstin Marie says:

    I like this review!! Your eyelashes look gorgeous!!

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks! 🙂

  • johanna says:

    Just gave this a run on Saturday. I agree with all your points. Most of all - I like that it adds volume. That's a major plus!

  • Kim A. says:

    HaHa! Girl, I loved your review! What a fabulous product. It makes sense ((HUG)) Have an awesome week.

  • Bodil says:

    I didn't know this brand but it looks great!
    thanks for sharing,


  • Ladyofashion says:

    🙂 So glad that you liked it Daniella!

  • Ladyofashion says:

    🙂 Thanks so much Stephanie! Yes, I am totally a quick-fix makeup-up girl! xo

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Great! I was happy to share the info. Enjoy your day. -x

  • MosaMuse says:

    🙂 such a cute post!!

  • Cafe Fashionista says:

    Gah! Your lashes look beyond incredible! And beside have such gorgeous eyes - the shape is just divine! Awesome review, my love!  🙂

  • Ivy says:

    Awesome review. Love the bow in your hair!

  • Jasna says:

    Your lashes look amazing babe!! xx

  • mythriftycloset says:

    thanks for the review, your eyes look gorgeous! Always like to see new products

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thank you so much Kumiko! Glad that you were able to give it a read. It works well!  🙂

  • Kassi says:

    I hadn't even heard of this product, so the review is new to me! Sounds like a great mascara!

  • Chic 'n Cheap Living says:

    Thanks for the review!  I really like Chanel Inimitable Intense because I feel like it seals the mascara.  I would try lash genius with other mascaras though!

    xoxo,Chic 'n Cheap Living

  • GlamKitten88 says:

    Goshhhh, I love Anastasia products.  I haven't tried this product yet, but I always use their eyebrow gel.  It's the best.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88 

  • Couture Carrie says:

    Have it and love it!


  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks Alexis! I wanted to put my personal spin on it, glad that you liked it. -xo

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thank you Clara! 🙂


    This was actually my first time seeing a review on this product, if that makes any difference. 😉 I love your detailed review, the pros and cons and such!  It sounds like an overall great product, though I agree that I like to have a quick makeup routine with just a few steps!  However, it would be great to have on-hand for when I do want to use it.  Thanks for the info!

  • Clara Turbay says:

    i like so much your personal style.

  • Krystal/Village says:

    hmm, maybe i could try this!

  • Sartorial Sidelines says:

    It sounds like it's worth trying out - and this was such a great (and thorough) review.

    Courtney ~

  • Daniella says:

    Sounds like a product worth having! Great review sweetie!! 🙂 

    Take care,Daniella xox

  • Kumiko Mae says:

    Love it doll. I love your blog's flavor and your review on this mascara makes me wanna give grab a scoop.

  • Alexis Grace says:

    Sounds like an intereseting product (and your review was thoroughly enjoyable!)


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