Purple Rain

Here's 2 of 3 crafting projects that underwent a revamp for spring colour surgery over the past week. I suppose the one thing that I had in mind initially was the fact that I enjoy experimenting with colour. And as I always say dyeing fabric is definitely an easy way to showcase such an experience.

Then, there was also a pair of comfortable canvas wedges that I believe I've had for a good 8 or so years, and certainly on it's ending life threads. Originally the wedges were cream colour; throughout the years they have surprisingly remained cream, but I wanted a purple hue!


Before you toss those old shoes out, try dyeing them for one more wear!

Pardon the indoor shots, I had to make haste to head out for work errands today.


Remember this lovely crochet top ... well, now it's purple as well! Fret not, there are plenty of other lace items in my possession in cream and that I will never alter. One might say that I went on a purple semi-over-dyeing frenzy, but this is not so. I also dyed an old jacket orange (will show you at a later date) and sewed a couple of handbags. 


Yes, it was quite the creation festival last week in the studio with artist friends, gourmet food, and beautiful inspiration. Perhaps it's the transition into spring that conducts a symphonic flow of loveliness, one that affects us all in some way. Whether it be in colour, a blooming floral or just mere bliss in climate change. You know, that upbeat melody that we all hear around this seasonal timewhatever that is, it's marvellous!

Is there a special colour transporting you into good ol' springtime?

The goods: Lace top-Anthropologie-hand dyed to purple, Denim-Cheap Monday, wedges-last seen here, Necklace- Ladyofashion, Clutch-vintage

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  • Ladyofashion says:

    In the same fashion as you would any other garment, but more carefully: it was quite easy with this cotton canvas. 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    In the same fashion as you would any other garment, but more carefully: it was quite easy with this cotton canvas. 🙂

  • sunchiscolorfulworld says:

    Yes that was a great idea

  • discounted designer clothes says:

    How do you dye a footwear

  • sunchiscolorfulworld says:

    Yes that was a great idea

  • discounted designer clothes says:

    How do you dye a footwear

  • Mel says:

    Purple is such an amazing color and it looks gorgeous on you. 🙂


  • Absolutelyfaaabulous says:

    Love this Spring Color Surgery idea! Thks!! 


  • Ladyofashion says:

    Aww, Thanks Bella dear. I'm glad it was inspiring. Sometimes it's a great feeling to say, "Oh, I made that!" 🙂 Hope Seattle is treating ya well. 

  • Ladyofashion says:

    You're very welcome!
    Yes, may be as easy or as complicated as you want it to be, just depends on your preference and project. 🙂

  • the Citizen Rosebud says:

    I see all these great DIY's in the bloggersphere but yours always inspire me to go out there and try them for myself. GREAT color on you!

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks so much! x

  • Nnenna says:

    I love your purple crochet top- it's so pretty! And that's a brilliant idea to dye your old shoes to give them new life! 🙂

  • Jamillah says:

    Dying is addicting!!! OMG I had a friend call me once that she was dying things in blue and I should come over...I brought an item to dye but then we ended up making her bf let us dye something and i literally took the shirt off my back to dye it, lol. So funny.

    Anyhoooo I LOVE how it came out The color is perfect and looks great on you. 

  • Noelani@MonPetitChouChou says:

    Awesome, thanks for the advice Madison. Will definitely check out the fibre content. I had no idea there was so much more involved than just picking up some RIT!!

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks! Yes, I have re-dyed items including old solid denim making them darker & (mixing two colours i.e. navy and blue or navy and black, etc.). But, I tend to use fibre reactive dyes for those types of projects. Check your fibre content first and you should be fine. For an affordable quick dye you can grab a dye from your local craft/fabric store as well. Dylon, RIT. etc. Good luck!  🙂

  • Sherin says:

    The purple is lovely. So cool you dyed the top yourself.

  • Kwyver says:

    That is such a great idea to dye shoes! They look lovely and I love the way you matched the purples!

  • Audrey Allure says:

     Such a great dye job - that purple top is so pretty! And love those wedges as well 🙂

  • Noelani@MonPetitChouChou says:

    Amazed. I have always meant to try this- to freshen up faded black shades on clothing. Have you ever done that with success? 

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks so much! & thanks for visiting. 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    I normally use a variety of dyes hun, but for this project I used fibre reactive acid dye and natural dyes, because all of my garments were not the same fabrication. Check the fabric of your items first b/c that will definitely matter which dyes to experiment with. Try acid dye first (very easy and can be bought at local art stores) for first time dyeing with sample fabric.

  • Ladyofashion says:

    I normally use a variety of dyes hun, but for this project I used fibre reactive acid dye and natural dyes, because all of my garments were not the same fabrication. Check the fabric of your items first b/c that will definitely matter which dyes to experiment with. Try acid dye first (very easy and can be bought at local art stores) for first time dyeing with sample fabric.

  • SewPetiteGal says:

    What a great way to breathe new life into old items!  Beautiful shade of purple and lovely job!

  • A Fine Balance says:

    I love that you changed the colour from cream to purple! 

  • Marissa says:

    You'll have to tell me what kind of dye you used and how it holds up. I have a pair of nude shoes that could definitely use some refreshing!

  • A Brit Greek says:

    Darling you're always so inspiring, so crafty and I love purple! Gorgeous wedges and tan bag!

  • Heather says:

    I love this!  The purple color is so vibrant and beautiful. Makes me want to try dyeing something.  

  • Rach says:

    love the dye job!!! great job!!!

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Right! 🙂 It's always fun for me. 

  • Chic 'n Cheap Living says:

    Nice job!  I've wanted to dye a lilac top for a while - do you have any tips or recommendations for dyes?

    xoxo,Chic 'n Cheap Living

  • Madeline Quaint says:

    The newly dyed top looks lovely! It's great fun to dye your own stuff because the items will match perfectly, right? 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Yes, do try dear! xx happy early Friday! 🙂

  • Chic 'n Cheap Living says:

    Nice job!  I&#39ve wanted to dye a lilac top for a while - do you have any tips or recommendations for dyes?

    xoxo,Chic &#39n Cheap Living

  • Fashionistable says:

    I love purple. Great that you have created it yourself. Xxxx

  • Ladyofashion says:

    A great clutch goes a long way! lol. Thank you. 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks so much! I love experimenting with dyes.  try ready acid dyes they are quite easier! maybe that will help! 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks! x
    of course pastels are the must-have choice! love them!

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks doll! Purple is a fantastic colour. -xo

  • The Dainty Doll's House says:

    Love that top, the purple is gorgeous!! Really works well with the colour of the bag, they bring out each other's colour so well!! Hope your having a great week sweets! xx

  • Cafe Fashionista says:

    Purple is one of my absolute favorite colors so I am totally loving this look. Also...the color of your clutch is divine! It works so well with the denim and purple hues. Gorg!  🙂

  • Fashionistable says:

    I love purple. Great that you have created it yourself. Xxxx

  • Ladyofashion says:

    A great clutch goes a long way! lol. Thank you. 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks! x
    of course pastels are the must-have choice! love them!

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks doll! Purple is a fantastic colour. -xo

  • Fashion Pad says:

    FAB! I forget that dyeing a garment or shoe will significantly change its look, longevity, and appeal. I need to do more DIY projects ASAP! You look lovely, great post!

  • fashion provocateur says:

    those oversized clutches are totally hot right now! you look fabulous the colour is just amazing on you!! 


    fashion provocateur 

  • Annie says:

    Loving that purple top and your clutch - so cute 🙂

    The Other Side of Gray 

  • Claire says:

    i always admire the way you transform your clothes - no special colour at the mo - but (rather predictably) i am liking pastels .... x


  • Beauty Follower says:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!


  • Beauty Follower says:

    Well done with that top, nice color!

  • Myrepublicoffashion says:

    Cool DIYs. That crochet top is really pretty. Whenever I try to dye my clothes, there is always a disaster! haha :)SarahD


    Brilliant idea. I might try with a few things.
    You look gorgeous, my dear Madison

  • Fashion Pad says:

    FAB! I forget that dyeing a garment or shoe will significantly change its look, longevity, and appeal. I need to do more DIY projects ASAP! You look lovely, great post!

  • Annie says:

    Loving that purple top and your clutch - so cute 🙂

    The Other Side of Gray 

  • Ladyofashion says:

    yes, I've a few more projects to tackle, but the result is worth it! 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks! I've been thinking of moving back next yr. sometime ... Too much travelling these days for work. hope to see you soon. -x 🙂

  • francesca romana capizzi says:

    purple is one of my fave colors for this spring so I really like what you did with your sweater. It came out very well!

    Don't Call
    Me Fashion Blogger



  • Claire says:

    i always admire the way you transform your clothes - no special colour at the mo - but (rather predictably) i am liking pastels .... x


  • Ladyofashion says:

    Oh yes, I love yellow as well. 🙂  Thanks!

  • Megan Zietz says:

    love love love that bag

  • Beauty Follower says:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!


  • Beauty Follower says:

    Well done with that top, nice color!

  • Myrepublicoffashion says:

    Cool DIYs. That crochet top is really pretty. Whenever I try to dye my clothes, there is always a disaster! haha :)SarahD


    Brilliant idea. I might try with a few things.
    You look gorgeous, my dear Madison

  • sartorialsidelines says:

    Wow - you look so stunning in purple!

    Courtney ~ http://sartorialsidelines.com

  • laura says:

    I adore that hue you've chosen to dye your shoes and top! I love it! I have never tried dyeing my stuffs before, but I now must!

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks so much! Very sweet. Yes, do try it out. It's quite  fun!

  • GBFANDCO says:

    Well thanks a million! I will stay tune for dyeing tricks of the trade.

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thank you. I am very happy with the colour. -xx

  • Ladyofashion says:

    haha! No problem, they are natural dyes. I've worked with manufacturing companies with textile dyeing in the past, etc. and I just love to dye fabric in general. Your local art store, and sometimes fabric shops will also have easy/acid dyes, i.e. ones by RIT, Dharma, etc. 

  • Ladyofashion says:

    yes, I&#39ve a few more projects to tackle, but the result is worth it! 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks! I&#39ve been thinking of moving back next yr. sometime ... Too much travelling these days for work. hope to see you soon. -x 🙂

  • francesca romana capizzi says:

    purple is one of my fave colors for this spring so I really like what you did with your sweater. It came out very well!

    Don&#39t Call
    Me Fashion Blogger



  • GBFANDCO says:

    Vegetable dye? Uh whats that??? ha ha you sound like an expert. I clearly am an amateur in the dying arena. Just recently my daughter wanted to dye her converse so she could also embellish with studs. I though uh lets just buy the color you want. Might be easier. But then again, she's crafty like you. I think we will take trip to Michaels. 😎

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Excellent!  Thanks for your comment.  🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    lol, thanks so much! It does vary with the fabrication and dye used. I like vegetable dyes, and only a couple of synthetic dyes that I regularly use. But, patience was my answer in the long run. 🙂

  • Outside Looking In says:

    WOW, what a great idea, great color!  I might have to steal this from you!  You look so pretty in purple too!


  • GBFANDCO says:

    OMG I love it, geez when I dye my items they never come out as nice. Often they look crafty. ha ha but that isn't my goal.

  • Alexis Grace says:

    I love it!!  The sweater is great!!!!!

  • Daniella says:

    You have done a great job on your top,i love the colour of it!! Chic outfit sweetie!! 🙂

    Take care,Daniella xox

  • DestrehansDaughter/Sarah says:

    First off, one of my favorite movies.  Second, it's a brilliant idea to dye shoes.  It never would've occurred to me.

  • Vix says:

    I've been looking for a pretty crochet top to do exactly that. I love the result, you look gorgeous (as always). x

  • Faye says:

    I love that crochet top even more in lilac. Your so inventive 🙂 Hurry up and return to London!

  • Hogger & Co. says:

    Way to get more use out of those shoes - you truly look ready for spring time! I'm looking for more YELLOW! 

  • GBFANDCO says:

    OMG I love it, geez when I dye my items they never come out as nice. Often they look crafty. ha ha but that isn&#39t my goal.

  • Faye says:

    I love that crochet top even more in lilac. Your so inventive 🙂 Hurry up and return to London!

  • Hogger & Co. says:

    Way to get more use out of those shoes - you truly look ready for spring time! I&#39m looking for more YELLOW! 


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