Wishing, Hoping, Praying: Spend-Friendly

Wanting/Wishing ...

The retail fairy would send me these ... just. because. 

   Click photo to enlarge.

Photos: Donna Karan/Bergdorf Goodman, Carven/FarfetchJoli Jewelry/Creative Contrast, Kenneth Jay Lane/Creative ContrastJil Sander/My Theresaedited by Ladyofashion

But, I'd gladly be just as content with this desk station ...

Vintage appeal: Office space from Restoration Hardware 


  This Vivienne Westwood plaid iPad case!

Derby Plaid iPad case via Selfridges

Hoping ...

To unplug: taking more time-off so that I can enjoy the cabin we never go to or the beach, and much needed days of relaxation ... but more importantly remembering to appreciate those long conversations without feeling the urge to check the inbox, social networking, or other sharing site (during non-working hours). I like to absorb special moments on private holidays. 


Praying ...

-For gorgeous weather to follow me wherever I go. Of course, with a wish and a spoonful of hope from the items listed above anything is quite possible, so why not expect the best!

-To master this new system for work since it has me thinking like an IT person. But, hey, I haven't been stumped yet and I must say ... things are looking up!


How's your week going? Wishing you a joyous day lovelies. 

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  • littlemoonlover says:

    that desk station is so amazing!

  • Emonne@Beautymarkedmom says:

    That office space is spectacular! Would love to have that in my home!

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks V! I'm looking forward to a mini breakaway ... enjoy your holiday too! xo

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Me too! Thanks.

  • Ladyofashion says:

    I agree love that space. -xo Thanks dear.

  • Ceri says:

    I love that Carven dress and the office space is amazing. I could definitely do with a break too! That beach looks amazing.

  • Flaviana Boni says:

    love Jil Sander pumps!


  • Flaviana Boni says:

    love Jil Sander pumps!


  • Diana says:

    Hi I hope all your wishes come true! 🙂

  • Diana says:

    Hi I hope all your wishes come true! 🙂


    What a gorgeous group of lovely things.  I wish I had an iPad just so I could use that case!

  • Kristin & Megan says:

    Those Jill Sander pumps are delish!


    What a gorgeous group of lovely things.  I wish I had an iPad just so I could use that case!

  • Hogger & Co. says:

    That desk is insane! Have a great weekend!

  • Da Paura says:

    Those Jill Sander shoes are gorgeous and I love the Vivienne Westwood case!  Have an amazing weekend!

  • Ijinku says:

    Loving those blue heels..and is it just me or do those earrings resemble a pineapple?!  🙂

  • Kristin & Megan says:

    Those Jill Sander pumps are delish!

  • Hogger & Co. says:

    That desk is insane! Have a great weekend!

  • Da Paura says:

    Those Jill Sander shoes are gorgeous and I love the Vivienne Westwood case!  Have an amazing weekend!

  • Ijinku says:

    Loving those blue heels..and is it just me or do those earrings resemble a pineapple?!  :)

  • Absolutely Mrs. K says:

    how insanely gorgeous are those JS shoes! that is like the perfect color! 

  • Grit and Glamour says:

    Lord, that ALL looks good! Especially the vacay. Glad I have a little one coming up myself!

  • Feathers & Freckles says:

    Love that dress and those heels 🙂 

  • Absolutely Mrs. K says:

    how insanely gorgeous are those JS shoes! that is like the perfect color! 

  • Grit and Glamour says:

    Lord, that ALL looks good! Especially the vacay. Glad I have a little one coming up myself!

  • Feathers & Freckles says:

    Love that dress and those heels :) 

  • Kionon says:

    Heading to a pool party tomorrow... I'd rather it be a beach party...

    ...I like those Jil Sander shoes, but then, the suits I have are Jil Sander, so that is not surprising to me.

  • Bravoerunway says:

    I would love to own anything from Jill Sander in this lifetime!  Those heels are beautiful and I am in DIRE need of a vacay!

  • What_sadie_did says:

    Ooh that island is dreamy!! Yes please!
    And I know what you mean about enjoying a time without being tempted to check social media! 🙂

    Sadie xx

  • Kionon says:

    Heading to a pool party tomorrow... I&#39d rather it be a beach party...

    ...I like those Jil Sander shoes, but then, the suits I have are Jil Sander, so that is not surprising to me.

  • Johanna says:

    I love the turquoise pumps. Just was eyeing a pair at Zara today but I wonder if I would get a lot of wear out of them?!

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thank you! Welcome to my blog. Hope to see you again soon. 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks dear!

    And thank you  for responding, as I definitely agree. -xo

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Yes, my weeks have been overloaded with work so a break away sounds wonderful even if only for a few days. Thanks dear happy Friday.- xx

  • Bravoerunway says:

    I would love to own anything from Jill Sander in this lifetime!  Those heels are beautiful and I am in DIRE need of a vacay!

  • What_sadie_did says:

    Ooh that island is dreamy!! Yes please!
    And I know what you mean about enjoying a time without being tempted to check social media! 🙂

    Sadie xx

  • Johanna says:

    I love the turquoise pumps. Just was eyeing a pair at Zara today but I wonder if I would get a lot of wear out of them?!

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thank you! Welcome to my blog. Hope to see you again soon. 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks dear!

    And thank you  for responding, as I definitely agree. -xo

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Yes, my weeks have been overloaded with work so a break away sounds wonderful even if only for a few days. Thanks dear happy Friday.- xx

  • A Brit Greek says:

    Totally loving the Carvens dress, and the images... I could use a tiny break away just looking at that image! I hope you have wonderful weather!

    Have a lovely week darling!

  • Ladyofashion says:

    I love Carven! I hope you're able to grab those heels! 

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks me too! or close to them. 🙂 

  • Outside Looking In says:

    I'd take any of this stuff!  great post!

  • Amyjotatum says:

    Totally love the portable office--Restoration Hardware does it again . . .

    oxoxoxo from San Francisco,Amyhtttp://bridechic.blogspot.com

  • amy b.s. says:

    that donna karen is beautiful!

  • A Brit Greek says:

    Totally loving the Carvens dress, and the images... I could use a tiny break away just looking at that image! I hope you have wonderful weather!

    Have a lovely week darling!

  • A Fine Balance says:

    I went online to look a the cost of the viviane westwood ipad case
    its not too expensive but out of my price range I love it though.

  • Ladyofashion says:

    I love Carven! I hope you&#39re able to grab those heels! 

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks me too! or close to them. :) 

  • Chic 'n Cheap Living says:

    I'll take the dress and jewelry too!  I'm always looking forward to the next vacation and wish you sun and relaxation on yours!

    p.s. I thought the same thing - Chanel has a timeless feel though it has a logo and I'm an eclectic shopper too.  xoxo,Chic 'n Cheap Living

  • my thrifty closet says:

    great wish list...that holiday destination is awesome hope all your wishes come true!


  • Cafe Fashionista says:

    That Joli Jewelry is gorgeous! Totally makes me think of a tropical vacation!  🙂

  • Babi says:

    I'm wishing to have those dresses too! especially the dkny, it's pretty and I love it! 

  • Fashion Pad says:

    Those Jil Sander heels....HOT!

  • Madeline Quaint says:

    Perfect wishlist, I hope your wishes are granted! 🙂

  • Jasna says:

    Loved your post and all the pics babe 🙂

  • GlamChameleon says:

    Can I go with you if you visit this marvelous paradise on earth??:) And I adore Carven's dress and JS shoes!!! Happy Thursday darling!!

  • The Dainty Dolls House says:

    Those are awesome wishes..I'd quite happily take those too!! Marvelous xx

  • miss b says:

    Beautiful beach photo and what a clever desk station  - everything so compact and organised!

  • Notafashionblogger says:

    I love that office space, so cool!

  • faashiongeek says:

    omg i love that maxi dress!

  • Spinningthreads says:

    what a fun post.  yes, nice weather (though i like the rain).  that's a great colorful dress, and that ipad case looks fab!


  • Megan Zietz says:

    i'll take all the above please, you're paying right? 😉

  • Aubrey says:

    I have been biding my time waiting for a beautiful pair of carven heels to be marked down at the local resale shop!
    that desk station is cool!

  • Punctuation Mark says:

    hope you get everything you want!!!

  • Head to Toe Chic says:

    Wow, that desk is so amazing!!!


  • Ladyofashion says:

    haha, me too. I know isn't that desk space amazing! Thanks Daniella. -xx

  • prettymeggy says:

    i just became one of your follower 🙂
    i love your blog!!!! xoxo

  • prettymeggy says:

    i wish, i hope and i pray.. that i could spend a beautiful summer in a place like that with my love and baby 🙂

    xoxo, Haus of Gala

  • Ladyofashion says:

    haha, me too. I know isn&#39t that desk space amazing! Thanks Daniella. -xx

  • mazzymay says:

    Cool items! Love the desk station too.

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks C, I love the colours in that dress. 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks Kim. Yes, it's very tempting to check in, but I'm trying to be good when away. it will only be for a couple days later, but any time is good for me. hehe! -xo  Have a wonderful day.

  • Dawn {The Alternative Wife} says:

    Hope all of your positive thinking pays off!  Good luck getting everything you hope for. I should do the same 🙂 xoxo

  • Couture Carrie says:

    Fabulous post, darling!
    Especially loving that Carven dress!


  • Daniella xox says:

    Great post sweetie!!! That holiday destination looks amazing,ah what i'd give! Hugely loving that desk station. I want I  need! 😀

    Take care,Daniella xox

  • prettymeggy says:

    i just became one of your follower 🙂
    i love your blog!!!! xoxo

  • Oh to Be a Muse says:

    I want that DK dress, a beach vacation and that desk station too. That is killer!

  • prettymeggy says:

    i wish, i hope and i pray.. that i could spend a beautiful summer in a place like that with my love and baby 🙂

    xoxo, Haus of Gala

  • Kim A. says:

    Ahhh! A vacation sounds really good right now. Have an awesome time. I don't blame you for unplugging while you're away. Sometime its so tempting to check in. You've posted some nice goodies above. HAHA Hope you get some of them.

  • mazzymay says:

    Cool items! Love the desk station too.

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks C, I love the colours in that dress. 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks Kim. Yes, it&#39s very tempting to check in, but I&#39m trying to be good when away. it will only be for a couple days later, but any time is good for me. hehe! -xo  Have a wonderful day.

  • Dawn {The Alternative Wife} says:

    Hope all of your positive thinking pays off!  Good luck getting everything you hope for. I should do the same 🙂 xoxo

  • Couture Carrie says:

    Fabulous post, darling!
    Especially loving that Carven dress!


  • Daniella xox says:

    Great post sweetie!!! That holiday destination looks amazing,ah what i&#39d give! Hugely loving that desk station. I want I  need! 😀

    Take care,Daniella xox

  • Oh to Be a Muse says:

    I want that DK dress, a beach vacation and that desk station too. That is killer!

  • Kim A. says:

    Ahhh! A vacation sounds really good right now. Have an awesome time. I don&#39t blame you for unplugging while you&#39re away. Sometime its so tempting to check in. You&#39ve posted some nice goodies above. HAHA Hope you get some of them.

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