Lavish Crowns For Everyday Fashionistas

Fascinators 20s inspiration hats

It's no secret that I adore hats in every capacity, and I appreciate an artful and cleverly made headpiece at any given time. Of course hats are not for everyone, but to me they are truly special! I remember family friends coming over my parent's house for yet another night of entertainment and dinner, some would be donning such interesting hats.

As other patrons entered our home even as a little girl I would be the one eyeing the dapper gents and well-dressed ladies; mentally taking note and separating those who were fashionably daring from others playing it safe, so to speak. You know what? Sometimes a small piece of fabric covered in feathers or other extraordinarily elaborate trimming does an outfit justice! However, it's all in the styling and personality of the wearer.

My friends and family know that I certainly do not need an occasion to wear a special hat! To be honest, I wish people would wear them more often.

If you follow me on Pinterest then you've likely seen my dedicated board to the art of headwearquite a diverse mountain of loveliness I might add.

Without further ado, here are a few of my favourite headpieces, including three that I have made myself (more glam creations to come), from simple fascinators to avant-garde wonders. I do hope that you enjoy these art infused glimpses for the stylish crown. 

Are you a hat wearer or just an appreciator? Perhaps both?

Period fashion - Fascinators feathers headpieces hats

 Vintage trimmings - spiral and lace headpiece 

Hats women's plumes feathers - hats streetstyle London style



 (Source)  LA Times Magazine - Christina Hendricks


  (Source) Behida Dolic, Etsy Made-to-order hats!


Fashionable Headdresses DIY Hats


DIY Hats headpieces fashion

Plumier Headdress- DIY 

 (Source) Scarlet Rose Fascinator - EveAndersFashion, Etsy


 For a view of my other DIY head accessories visit here.

04/08/13 *UPDATE: I have also linked this hat dedicated post with The Style Crone's Hat Attack. View it here!

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  • Tami Von Zalez says:

    Oh yeah, I'm a hat wearer - you'll see more of me at more Hat Attacks!

  • The Style Crone says:

    How wonderful to have found your blog and I love the headpieces that you display in this post. I wear a hat every day, and appreciate what you have to say about headwear and how beautiful you are in your creations.

    Thank you for linking up with Hat Attack.

  • The Style Crone says:

    How wonderful to have found your blog and I love the headpieces that you display in this post. I wear a hat every day, and appreciate what you have to say about headwear and how beautiful you are in your creations.

    Thank you for linking up with Hat Attack.

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Brilliant! Tell me more. I cannot wait to participate. 🙂

  • Citizen Rosebud says:

    hats! I hope to see you August 1st at the Style Crone's launch of Hat Attack!

  • Citizen Rosebud says:

    hats! I hope to see you August 1st at the Style Crone&#39s launch of Hat Attack!

  • The Foolish Aesthete says:

    Such lovely headwear. Hats were rarely worn when I grew up, though my mother tried to get away with it whenever she could. I love outfitting the head to this day too. That scarlet rose fascinator is unbelievable! - J xxx

  • The Foolish Aesthete says:

    Such lovely headwear. Hats were rarely worn when I grew up, though my mother tried to get away with it whenever she could. I love outfitting the head to this day too. That scarlet rose fascinator is unbelievable! - J xxx

  • Veshoevius says:

    That is one glamorous head dress! Love your selections too - the rose is particularly fab.

  • Daniella says:

    Wonderful post Madison! A hat that's been crafted with originality and flair is always so captivating and can often make such a strong statement! I myself am currently inspired by 1920's headwear. Your fascinator is so pretty and I love the green hat in the fourth photo 🙂

    Take care,
    Daniella xox

  • Anouka says:

    Yes, I love hats but I don't really have any occasions to wear them to...

  • Emmy MW says:

    Your fascinator is a such a great piece, Madison. Great collection of pictures that you featured. I love hats myself, but don't really get to wear them, esp. these fancy ones. I wish I do though.

  • Kim A. says:

    i love hats and fascinators, but they hardly ever wear them over here in the States. i think they're so chic! madison you wear hats well girl.

  • Marcela says:

    Have a wonderful weekend, dear! my g+ for you!!!:)))

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  • Jenmarie says:

    I LOVE how dramatic some of these are. Yours are so fantastic and remind me of something Lucille Ball would wear. I have a sequin beret that I love but as far as hats like these go, I don't have any. Not sure where I would wear them too.

  • Lilli says:

    Hi Madison! Love hat too! I wish I owned much more and particular ones as these you have shared! You look stunning in the first photo, seem a DIVA!:) Kisses dear, have a great day! xo

  • tia_cherie says:

    So beautiful and gorgeous, I really enjoyed this post, thanks!

  • Ms Madge says:

    Hats are the one thing I haven't really experimented on, but I do find them very pretty. I used to sell Philip Treacy hats as part of the dept I used to work fo. They fascinated me and I could have conversations about it with ladies for an hour!

    May I dare say that although I love the hats you featured, I'm loving your arms too? They're so toned!

    Sorry Madison, not in the topic but I thought I'd mention it 😀


  • Vix Brearley says:

    I love wearing hats, hair bands, flowers and headpieces, too. Brilliant for distracting from unwashed hair and root regrowth, too! x

  • Emmy MW says:

    Your fascinator is a such a great piece, Madison. Great collection of pictures that you featured. I love hats myself, but don&#39t really get to wear them, esp. these fancy ones. I wish I do though.

  • Erika Sorocco says:

    I have bangs, which are completely hat-unfriendly; therefore, I'm merely an appreciator right now. 🙂

  • KizzyDoll says:

    Well, I am with you on hats :)) I absolutely adore wearing hats & buying them!! I think they are a great way to top off (no pun intended) an outfit. And even if you don't feel like dressing up, you can put on a jazzy hat and let it do the talking for you!! They also save me when I'm having a bad hair day 😉 Gorgeous images, I'm gonna check out the etsy shop as that hat is gorgeous!! Have a lovely day doll xx

  • Marcela says:

    Have a wonderful weekend, dear! my g+ for you!!!:)))

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  • Jenmarie says:

    I LOVE how dramatic some of these are. Yours are so fantastic and remind me of something Lucille Ball would wear. I have a sequin beret that I love but as far as hats like these go, I don&#39t have any. Not sure where I would wear them too.

  • Lilli says:

    Hi Madison! Love hat too! I wish I owned much more and particular ones as these you have shared! You look stunning in the first photo, seem a DIVA!:) Kisses dear, have a great day! xo

  • tia_cherie says:

    So beautiful and gorgeous, I really enjoyed this post, thanks!

  • Ms Madge says:

    Hats are the one thing I haven&#39t really experimented on, but I do find them very pretty. I used to sell Philip Treacy hats as part of the dept I used to work fo. They fascinated me and I could have conversations about it with ladies for an hour!

    May I dare say that although I love the hats you featured, I&#39m loving your arms too? They&#39re so toned!

    Sorry Madison, not in the topic but I thought I&#39d mention it 😀


  • Vix Brearley says:

    I love wearing hats, hair bands, flowers and headpieces, too. Brilliant for distracting from unwashed hair and root regrowth, too! x

  • Erika Sorocco says:

    I have bangs, which are completely hat-unfriendly; therefore, I&#39m merely an appreciator right now. 🙂

  • KizzyDoll says:

    Well, I am with you on hats :)) I absolutely adore wearing hats & buying them!! I think they are a great way to top off (no pun intended) an outfit. And even if you don&#39t feel like dressing up, you can put on a jazzy hat and let it do the talking for you!! They also save me when I&#39m having a bad hair day 😉 Gorgeous images, I&#39m gonna check out the etsy shop as that hat is gorgeous!! Have a lovely day doll xx


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