Cool Breezes: The Home Edition

A couple of weeks ago, I was in the baking mood, and made
gluten-free cinnamon rolls along with a big breakfast. I actually had time! My
sister and one of her best friends came to visit and the refrigerator was full,
so I decided to finally use a few of our new kitchen machines ... you know, other
than Keurig and Nespresso. 

There are so many recipes that I want to try, including
homemade spinach pastries, an olive loaf, and a red snapper family dish,
amongst loads of others. I have been pinning like
a mad woman, but all in the name of inspiration!

It doesn’t hurt that we have
an incredible amount of entertaining and hosting to catch up with as well. The menus
are in the making, and fine ingredients are waiting to be used to accompany
supreme meals. This is not even holiday chatter; this was simply more of a
celebration of loving life.

At the present moment, my “downtime” is comprised of browsing
food blogs, reading recipe books, and (actively) mastering the concept of how beneficial
a good power nap can really be. Afterward, add an energy shake and I am ready
to go.

Gudrun Sjoden Home interiors fabrics

I used this wonderful fabric in the kitchen to accent the
baked goods. Usually, I tend to buy more solid colours than printed for kitchen
towels, which is funny since I love the bold and printed in everything else. I
chose this simple hued print because it was still vibrant, the dotted patterns
reminded me of cold weather and snow.

It was another great reason to pull out one of my practical Martha
Stewart cookbooks as well, which was helpful for additional menu suggestions. It
also seemed to match the tone and setting for part two of my food inspiration. Part one is essentially a
compilation of influence from fellow gastronomes like Nigella
to Chuck.

What do you think of
these new kitchen threads? What type of style and colour do you like in your
kitchen fabrics? 

To shop the winter homeware collection of Gudrun Sjödén click here.

“Krokus,” Organic cotton
Pillow case in Lavender, and “Tuss” Organic kitchen towel in Sky blue -Courtesy of Gudrun Sjödén.

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  • Daniella says:

    I love how you've taken all these classic pieces and styled them in such a fresh way! Preppy-chic but with a twist. The tights definitely transform the outfit and even though I not that experimental with leg-wear like this, it's definitely made think about it more 🙂

    Take care Madison and have a lovely weekend,
    Daniella xox

  • Emmy MW says:

    The stocking are rad, Madison! They look great on you. I used to wear them a lot for work, but now, not so much. I wouldn't mind finding something like this though:)

  • Erika Sorocco says:

    Ooh, this is such an Ivy League / London-like look - I'm in love. Gorgeous Madison!!


  • sartorialsidelines says:

    I recently got a pair of plaid leggings that I just love - I wear them all the time!

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  • Couturetrend says:
  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks dear! Actually, this is supposed to be their Sweden style version of the 'Glen Plaid' with faux twill weave marks, lol, but I do have proper tartan and plaid styles from other brands and I love them too! Wishing you a great weekend! xx/Madison

  • Annie says:

    LOVE the plaid tights, and love that you're using a tie as a cute!


    The Other Side of Gray

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks, glad that you liked them, I made them years ago. 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks so much Lilli!Legwear is always fun to include in an outfit. Happy weekend. x

  • sepatuholic says:
  • KizzyDoll says:

    The tartan looks amazing doll, love this look!! Very vintage, yet a little modern with the tartan on your tights, I do love tights :)) Stunning. I hope you have a marvellous weekend doll xx

  • Lilli says:

    I like to experiment too in legwear and I usually buy colorful and patterned tights, even though at the end I wear pants more often. The ones you wear are so cool, love the plaid pattern is so cool and you matched it in such a lovely and cool outfit, one of my favs from yours!:) Have a great weekend Madison, kisses! xo

  • Lady parisienne says:

    Very elegant and a little boyish, just perfect

  • Daniella says:

    I love how you&#39ve taken all these classic pieces and styled them in such a fresh way! Preppy-chic but with a twist. The tights definitely transform the outfit and even though I not that experimental with leg-wear like this, it&#39s definitely made think about it more 🙂

    Take care Madison and have a lovely weekend,
    Daniella xox

  • Emmy MW says:

    The stocking are rad, Madison! They look great on you. I used to wear them a lot for work, but now, not so much. I wouldn&#39t mind finding something like this though:)

  • Erika Sorocco says:

    Ooh, this is such an Ivy League / London-like look - I&#39m in love. Gorgeous Madison!!


  • sartorialsidelines says:

    I recently got a pair of plaid leggings that I just love - I wear them all the time!

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  • Couturetrend says:
  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks dear! Actually, this is supposed to be their Sweden style version of the &#39Glen Plaid&#39 with faux twill weave marks, lol, but I do have proper tartan and plaid styles from other brands and I love them too! Wishing you a great weekend! xx/Madison

  • Annie says:

    LOVE the plaid tights, and love that you&#39re using a tie as a cute!


    The Other Side of Gray

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks, glad that you liked them, I made them years ago. 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks so much Lilli!Legwear is always fun to include in an outfit. Happy weekend. x

  • sepatuholic says:
  • Lilli says:

    I like to experiment too in legwear and I usually buy colorful and patterned tights, even though at the end I wear pants more often. The ones you wear are so cool, love the plaid pattern is so cool and you matched it in such a lovely and cool outfit, one of my favs from yours!:) Have a great weekend Madison, kisses! xo

  • Lady parisienne says:

    Very elegant and a little boyish, just perfect


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