Blog Birthday: A Fruitful Fourth Year

I can hardly believe it myself that it has been four years of blogging. I will be the first to tell you that it is feasible to be a very part-time blogger and still make an impression in the grand blogosphere. This past year has proven to me that quality trumps quantity. There has surely been a few times when I pondered about quitting the blog for many reasons, but I stuck it out because I love it and I knew that I’d miss it much. Believe me, when that day comes, I will definitely let you know!

Thank you dear readers for visiting, tweeting, sharing, commenting, and being inspired by my blog as well as inspiring me. I am so overwhelmed and immensely grateful.

Here’s a retrospective style timeline on my top posts, including one of the most read interviews on the blog this year and my personal favourite … posts that you loved the most this year so far.

*Click an image for the memory.

Varsity jackets style lace DIY bloggersStyle blogger street style Oasap

In January, I kicked off 2013 on the blog with a few crafts, including a military-inspired DIY
that was appreciated and shared by many others who did not even have a fashion
blog! It was such a pleasant surprise. By February, March, and April, I was honoured
to be a part of an eco-collaboration
sharing a spring and summer lookbook with you, and consequently becoming an official
brand ambassador.

It also marked a post about sharing my home and culture, as well as one of my most simplest of outfits for flying style, and one of many airport stories that you loved.

May and June breezed by with my adoration for headwear,
and travelling. You also showed me love onthis post, letting me know once again how much you appreciate my emerging talent and design features. In July, I shared my birthday
with you, giving inspirational quotes that all of us can apply to our lives.

Gudrun Sjoden Spring 2013

August and September was quite a busy month—with fashion
weeks and other happenings going on in the industry I shared my runway review,
which also made it as one of my top posts for most read articles that month. But, I
did manage to have time to fit in a floral sewing session.

For the seasonal change, I crafted a tablescape
in November to get you prepared for autumn. And, for December and beyond, the
best is yet to come!

I hope you enjoyed my little blogging recap of 2013. I still have many things to learn and goals to accomplish, but I’m looking forward to sharing my journey with you in 2014. For now, I preparing to enjoy a short holiday with family and loved ones in these next few

What to wear for casual travelling style blogger


Stay updated via Facebook, Instagram, and Bloglovin’

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  • RedTagChicLA says:

    Awwww more power on your 4th blogging year Madison!!!!


  • RedTagChicLA says:

    Awwww more power on your 4th blogging year Madison!!!!


  • Margaret McGriff says:

    Happy Blog Anniversary!! You are an awesome blogger and can't wait to see what the new year brings for you! 🙂

  • Margaret McGriff says:

    Happy Blog Anniversary!! You are an awesome blogger and can&#39t wait to see what the new year brings for you! 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thank you, it goes by so fast! I had no idea your blog anniversary is coming up. Yes, when you don't get stuck into "blogging trends" it helps tremendously. Thanks for your comments Arash! 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thank you, it goes by so fast! I had no idea your blog anniversary is coming up. Yes, when you don&#39t get stuck into "blogging trends" it helps tremendously. Thanks for your comments Arash! 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thank you! 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks so much Lola! 🙂
    Liebe Grüße,
    Madison xx

  • laura says:

    Happy blog birthday, Madison! Here's to more years!

  • tia_cherie says:

    Congratulations and happy 4th birthday to your blog. That is very exciting news. We are very happy to have you as part of this community and I look forward to many more years of blogging with you.

  • says:

    happy 4th blogiversary loveeeee

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thank you! 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks so much Lola! 🙂
    Liebe Grüße,
    Madison xx

  • laura says:

    Happy blog birthday, Madison! Here&#39s to more years!

  • Lola Finn says:

    Happy Birthday lovely blog! 🙂 Und du auch, liebe Madison! Du machst es sehr sehr gut 🙂 WEiter som <3
    Liebe Grüße aus München

  • Hannah's Heels says:

    Aww congratulations on your b-birthday!

    And thank you so much for your lovely comment! Of course we can follow each other! Id love to keep in touch! Let me know if you follow me and I will follow you right back 😀

    And what about other social media? That way I won't miss a thing!

    Facebook / Instagram /Twitter / Chicisimo

     – Hannah's Heels

  • Manhattan Image and Style says:

    I love all you stylish outfit ideas!! 🙂

    Thank you for your nice comment on my blog! Let's stay in touch! <3


    New Blog Post: Tips to Relieve Stress This Holiday Season

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Hi, welcome to my blog! When there is passion is something that we do, it shows itself to all in viewing eventually. Thanks so much for visiting and your lovely comments. 🙂

  • Arash Mazinani says:

    Happy Birthday! My blog will also be 4 years old next April. It's weird how time flies. Like you there's been times when I've considered quitting. But I've stuck at it and tried not to get caught up into blogging 'trends'. It's great looking back over your old posts I agree quality does trump quantity!

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Liebe Rena,
    Guten Abend! Wow, du bist so eine wunderbare Person. Danke für deine Kommentare immer süß!! Ich bin glücklich, dass ich anderen auch nur einen Augenblick zu begeistern…
    Ich wünsche Dir das Beste Sonntag und eine neue Woche!

    Madison xxoo 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks so much! 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Excellent! *blushes* You are such a great and dedicated reader and blogging pal. So happy that we found each other's blog. Thanks so much for your visits and comments as well. Happy Holidays! xx

  • Ladyofashion says:

    🙂 So glad that you enjoy my blog. Thanks Sherin!

  • Ladyofashion says:

    aww, what a beautiful comment Kim. Thank you very much. Yes, I learnt years a go that you blog can and will only be what you want it to be. Always appreciate your visits dear. Happy Holidays! x 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks so much! 🙂 x

  • Ladyofashion says:

    🙂 Thanks so much Adeola! 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    I'm happy to have met you as well Marj. It's a pleasure. xx

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thank you! Glad that you enjy my posts. Wisihing you a wonderful holiday and weekend. /M x

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks so much doll! xx/M

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thank you dear Daniella! 🙂 xo

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks Vix! Enjoy your holiday.x

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Ahh, Danke! :-))
    Liebe Grüße,
    Madison xo

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thank you! 🙂 xxoo

  • Ladyofashion says:

    I'm glad that you are often inspired by my blog. Means so much to me. xx/Madison

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks Roz! 🙂 I always appreciate your visits! Happy holidays!

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks Mary Jo! It's such a pleasure to have gotten to know you and your blog. xx

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks Sam! Things have evolved and I am looking forward to where the blog will take me. I am so happy to have met you through blogging. Happy Holidays. xx/Madison

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks Stacey. Always appreciate your vists! xx 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thank you so much! It's shockign how fast times goes by! I really appreciate your lovely comment. 🙂

  • Lola Finn says:

    Happy Birthday lovely blog! 🙂 Und du auch, liebe Madison! Du machst es sehr sehr gut 🙂 WEiter som <3
    Liebe Grüße aus München

  • Hannah's Heels says:

    Aww congratulations on your b-birthday!

    And thank you so much for your lovely comment! Of course we can follow each other! Id love to keep in touch! Let me know if you follow me and I will follow you right back 😀

    And what about other social media? That way I won&#39t miss a thing!

    Facebook / Instagram /Twitter / Chicisimo

     - Hannah&#39s Heels

  • Manhattan Image and Style says:

    I love all you stylish outfit ideas!! 🙂

    Thank you for your nice comment on my blog! Let&#39s stay in touch! <3


    New Blog Post: Tips to Relieve Stress This Holiday Season

  • petra lorietta says:

    happy birthday to your blog!:)♥ love your style!

  • Viktoriya Sener says:

    Dear, Happy Blogging! I wish your blog will become more successful with each year!

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Hi, welcome to my blog! When there is passion is something that we do, it shows itself to all in viewing eventually. Thanks so much for visiting and your lovely comments. 🙂

  • Arash Mazinani says:

    Happy Birthday! My blog will also be 4 years old next April. It&#39s weird how time flies. Like you there&#39s been times when I&#39ve considered quitting. But I&#39ve stuck at it and tried not to get caught up into blogging &#39trends&#39. It&#39s great looking back over your old posts I agree quality does trump quantity!

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Liebe Rena,
    Guten Abend! Wow, du bist so eine wunderbare Person. Danke für deine Kommentare immer süß!! Ich bin glücklich, dass ich anderen auch nur einen Augenblick zu begeistern…
    Ich wünsche Dir das Beste Sonntag und eine neue Woche!

    Madison xxoo 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks so much! 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Excellent! *blushes* You are such a great and dedicated reader and blogging pal. So happy that we found each other&#39s blog. Thanks so much for your visits and comments as well. Happy Holidays! xx

  • Ladyofashion says:

    🙂 So glad that you enjoy my blog. Thanks Sherin!

  • Ladyofashion says:

    aww, what a beautiful comment Kim. Thank you very much. Yes, I learnt years a go that you blog can and will only be what you want it to be. Always appreciate your visits dear. Happy Holidays! x 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks so much! 🙂 x

  • Ladyofashion says:

    🙂 Thanks so much Adeola! 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    I&#39m happy to have met you as well Marj. It&#39s a pleasure. xx

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thank you! Glad that you enjy my posts. Wisihing you a wonderful holiday and weekend. /M x

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks so much doll! xx/M

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thank you dear Daniella! 🙂 xo

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks Vix! Enjoy your holiday.x

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Ahh, Danke! :-))
    Liebe Grüße,
    Madison xo

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thank you! 🙂 xxoo

  • Ladyofashion says:

    I&#39m glad that you are often inspired by my blog. Means so much to me. xx/Madison

  • SpeakingPrada says:

    Congratulations on your four years of blogging!! That's insanely amazing! 🙂 I can only imagine what it's like to keep a blog for that long!! But I think you are right, even though it gets difficult sometimes to conjugate the blog with other fields of our life, it's so worth it if we do it for fun and if we really enjoy it 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks Sam! Things have evolved and I am looking forward to where the blog will take me. I am so happy to have met you through blogging. Happy Holidays. xx/Madison

  • Dressed with soul says:

    Liebe Madison, herzlichen Glückwunsch, dass Du Deinen wunderbaren Blog schon 4 Jahre führst. Bitte mach unbedingt weiter, denn ich mag Dich und Deinen Blog so gerne! Du hast so einen tollen Geschmack und mir gefällt Dein Stil so gut, und auch dass Du so elegant bist. Danke auch für das Review, ich lese jeden Deiner Post so gerne und Deine Bilder sind auch immer gut.

    Alles Liebe und Gute für Dich, es ist so schön, dass es Dich und Deinen Blog gibt <3

    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

    International giveaway for your good figure

  • Tina says:

    Happy fourth anniversary! 🙂 I'm adoring your fab pics–great style, doll! T.

  • Margaret Cruzemark says:

    Dearest Madison, sending you best wishes for your amazing blog!

    Miss Margaret Cruzemark

  • Erika Sorocco says:

    Happy, Happy Birthday!! Here's to many more!!


  • WinnipegStyle says:

    I can't believe it! 4 years! Wow! Congrats! I love the way this year went for you! Thanks so much for the recap!


  • Sam @ Frills & Thrills says:

    Happy 4 years, thats such an amazing achievement Madison, how have you kept inspired and motivated all this time. I have enjoyed my every visit here. Thanks for your kinds words dear, have a warm and splendid weekend!

  • Mary Jo says:

    Happy blog birthday Madison! You've done such a wonderful job this year, hope you continue for many more 🙂

    Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

    xo Mary Jo

  • Sabine says:

    Happy blog-birthday ♥
    Alles Liebe für dich…
    LG Sabine

  • Rosalind Jana says:

    What a brilliant reminder of some of my favourite outfits and articles of yours. Four solid years of blogging is a great achievement. I too began my blog back in 2009. Doesn't it sound so long ago?! Happy blog-birthday.

  • Mary Jo says:

    Happy blog birthday Madison! You&#39ve done such a wonderful job this year, hope you continue for many more 🙂

    Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

    xo Mary Jo

  • francesca r says:

    happy blogversary!! I enjoy reading your post! you are always an ispiration!

    Don't Call
    Me Fashion Blogger



  • Oh to Be a Muse says:

    Those are some of my favorite looks from you! Congrats to you for maintaining such an awesome blog for 4 years. It sure isn't easy, but you're doing it. <3

    New Post: What I'm Loving in December!

  • Rowena @ rolala loves says:

    Happy Blog Birthday! 4 years is quite an achievement! You should be quite proud Madison! I always enjoy your thoughtful posts and wish you many more happy years of blogging to come!

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  • Vix Brearley says:

    Happy Birthday to your blog, dear Madison! Always a joy to visit. x

  • Couture Carrie says:

    Happy blogiversary, darling!
    Gorgeous looks!


  • Stacey Ann Blake says:

    Happy birthday and what an inspiration your blog has been! I am always enlightened when I visit and I need to visit more often!! xx

  • Natalia says:

    Happy blogoversary and many more happy years in blogosphere! x

  • miss b says:

    Happy Birthday Fashion Tales! Four years – well done! I always enjoy popping over here whenever I can because your topics are so varied. I do hope you will continue for many more years! I would also like to take this opportunity to thank you for regularly visiting my blog and leaving such thoughtful comments.

  • Nicky mywishstyle says:

    congrats and happy blog Birthday Madison!

  • Adeola Naomi Aderemi says:

    Congrats on good and productively inspiring 4 years!
    Thank you for sharing with us and have fun on your break!

  • Emmy MW says:

    Happy 4th Blog Birthday, Madison! Here's to many many more.

  • Lilli says:

    Hi Madison! Happy Birthday to the blog and congrats to you!! Keep it up! I always enjoy your posts and feedback, is nice have met you through the blogosphere. The photos are all beautiful!:) Happy weekend dear! xo

  • Daniella says:

    Happy blog birthday Madison! Keep up the wonderful and inspiring work 🙂

    Take care and have a lovely weekend,
    Daniella xox

  • kim bim says:

    Happy birthday to your awesome blog! Well done babes. All these pictures are so fabulous.

  • Ms Madge says:

    Dear Madison, a very happy 4th anniversary to you! Well done! I'm very glad to have met you on blogosphere. Here's to more years to come! Have a lovely weekend xxx

  • KizzyDoll says:

    Happy Birthday to your blog doll!! So fantastic!! Lots of gorgeous and creative stylings always, I enjoy them a lot and also your DIY's, you're very good at them. And I'm glad that you stuck in there and kept blogging as well, I know how that can go, wanting to pack it in sometimes., I wish your blog many more years to come!!Mine will be coming up soon too. Have a lovely weekend doll xx

  • Sherin says:

    Happy Blog Birthday! I love reading your blog so hopefully there'll be many more years.

  • Marcela says:

    Happy Birthday for your beautiful blog!!!
    my g+ for you, dear Madison!!!:)))

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  • Kim A. says:

    Happy Blog Birthday Madison! Woot Woot! 4 years girl and still going strong! I like the pace of your blog and of course your topics. You give us a taste of everything. What I admire about you is how multi-talented you are. Great business woman, crafter, sewing, writer and stylist. You are a force to be reckoned with my friend. Those things in itself are accomplishments. Keep up the great work. Continue to grow. Continue to prosper. So proud of you. Happy to be a reader.

  • Lyddiegal says:

    Happy Blogaversary! Looks like 2013 was a great year, and I hope you have many more wonderful things in store!


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