Style Drizzles: The Alternative Gift Guide

I have already given you a few inspiring holiday ideas here, for the nimble and hand-making enthused gifter. But, here’s an alternative gifting guide to aid you in your search for holiday presents—ideal stocking-fillers and gifts for the best friend or for those “because you’re special” type of persons. It’s also a lovely gathering of several favourite links at the moment: featuring brands that you should know about.

Shapes, and Fashion Notes:

It is a known fact that as humans we shop visually. When it comes to shopping, our senses tell various tales and are important factors in our shopping decisions. Certain shapes and hues of pieces online and in-store that are merchandised well appeal to us, thus making the buy now bone in our bodies an absolute weak spot. But, it’s not necessarily a bad thing.

These unique bags carry an artful aesthetic, one that will trigger both the (stylish) mind and (fashionable) funny bone. Their geometric patterns and shapes are what caught my eye instantly. It’s a perfect remedy for gifting that one lovable person who doesn’t follow trendy rules, and just loves something … a little bit different. 

1-Cosmic Wonder wallet and bag, 2-Taeseok handbag, 3-Jujumade Natural Tote, 4-Cosmic Wonder Lighthouse Tea Ceremony Bag.

If you’re seeking a gift for a fashionable reader, then here are a few suggestions, including: a photographic spread of Dior's works from the fifties and sixties that also focusses on glamour of the period, DSW's compilation of fashion stories, quotes and tips, or a full in-depth behind the scenes and insider look at McQueen's final Fall/Winter collection. "The book was ready for publication when McQueen died, then was put on hold--until now. This substantial overview, with more than 120 photographs, is published just as McQueen edited it."(1)


1-Dior: Glamour, 2-DSW's Do you Speak Shoe Lover?, 3-Alexander McQueen: Working Progress (1)source

Beauty Flavours:

I recently came across the Australian brand, The Little Alchemist from a co-worker who was buying a few “thank-you” gifts. Then, I did more research on the brand and fell in love. There’s nothing like natural beauty that make you say, “Mmm…” Wonderful naturally scented items like body butter and facial treatments will make the heart full of appreciation. Gifts like these are entirely glutton-free—and will glide over smoother than icing a birthday cake.  *Items that I want to try next are the scented perfumes. Click here to indulge.

(1)-Ultra C Radiance Serum, (2)-Natural Perfume in Turkish Rose & Cardamom/ Jasmine Loves Mint, (3)-Body Butters (Chocolate Truffle, Passionfruit & Lime, Vanilla& Wild Orange, and White Tea), (4)-Vanilla & Wild Orange Handcream.

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  • SpeakingPrada says:

    I love love love love the vintage vibe of this look! Seriously, you look adorable!! And I also need to go through my closet and do a selection of things to donate! After all, there are so many clothes in my closet that I don't use anymore and someone out there may need them and can do a better use of them 🙂 Again, you look so cute!! You look out off an old movie - that's a compliment!! 😉 since I basically just watch old movies in order to see their fabulous fashion and the awesome clothes they used to wear! Have a lovely day <3

  • Lizzy says:


  • Ladyofashion says:

    Yes, I can understand, although all natural beauty moisturising (lotions) can be quite useful for everyone. But, yes, books are always a great gift though! 🙂 Thanks!

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Haha, yes I agree, there's definitely always room for one more "good one." Thanks for your comment. 🙂

  • miss b says:

    I saw the title of your post and knew I was going to find it useful. Great gift ideas. I imagine the Dior book would be fascinating and I must find out more about the beauty brand which is new to me.

  • MellowYellow says:

    I love the bags! They are so unique! Just found your blog and really like it! Would you like to follow each other on GFC, Facebook and bloglovin to stay in touch? Let me know, thanks!


  • Brittney says:

    I might just get that black and white bow bag for myself! I find beauty products to be a difficult gift because people's skin and beauty needs are so diverse. However, I know a couple of fashionistas who would be thrilled with those coffee books.


  • Linda says:

    Aww, that bow tie bag is adorable!

    The Dragonfruit Diaries

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Yes, the bowtie handbag was one of my favourites! Thanks for your comment Arash! 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Liebe Rena,
    Aww, Danke! 🙂 Ich schätze Deine (Blog) Freundschaft, und süßen Kommentare. Auch Ich wünsche Dir ein glückliches 2. Adventswochenende. xoxo/Madison

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks Rebecca! I love that tuxedo handbag as well, it's so unique! 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Hallo Cla,
    Ich bin froh, dass Sie die Geschenkideen gefallen!
    Vielen Dank! 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thank you Lilli! I am definitely a new fan of the beauty products. 🙂 xx

  • Ladyofashion says:


  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks so much Daniella! I wish you a beautiful weekend. xx/M 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Exactly! Thanks dear, you're so sweet. I'm glad this was inspiring. xx Enjoy the weekend. /Madison

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks Sam dear, yes, I wanted to do a different gift guide instead of a traditional one. Happy weekend. x

  • Ladyofashion says:

    I want them all! Haha!

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Glad that you liked them! Enjoy the weekend.

  • Daniella says:

    Hi Madison, I hope you are enjoying your weekend so far. These are all wonderful gift ideas! I think books and beauty products are always great gifts, I know that I'd be happy if I was lucky enough to receive them 🙂

    Take care,
    Daniella xox

  • Dressed with soul says:

    Liebe Madison, Du hast sehr schöne Sachen herausgesucht, und jetzt weiß ich was ich schenken kann, wenn ich noch Geschenke brauche 🙂 Du hast immer so gute Ideen und bist so kreativ, auch ein Grund, warum ich Dich sehr gerne mag!

    Ich wünsche Dir ein tolles 2. Adventswochenende <3

    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  • Amanda CW says:

    loving these ideas =)

  • Andrea Funk says:
  • Arash Mazinani says:

    Ha ha I love the bag that has the bowtie and looks like the front of a tux. I'm about to write a blog on shoes so that "do you speak shoe lover" book intrigues me ha ha. Lovely little gift guide.

  • kim bim says:

    I do agree with you about the bags, the shapes are def art and each one of them tells their story. The beauty products sounds amazing,I have not heard of them, I think I need a bit pampering on my tough skin, am def checking them out, love the packaging of these brand. Do have a perfect weekend, sending you love and kisses...

  • black rose says:

    awesome!! new follower, follow me?
    Giveaway on the blog* 4 winners 4 gifts!

  • Sam @ Frills & Thrills says:

    Hi Madison, love how creative your gift ideas are, all those books need to be on my shelf and great beauty products

  • Titti says:



  • Audrey Allure says:

    Those bags are so fun!

  • samecookiesdifferent says:

    amazing bags



  • Glam up your Lifestyle says:

    Das sind tolle Geschenk-Ideen. Die kommen genau richtig. Ich habe noch kein einziges Geschenk.
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende, Cla

  • Diana Ashuayem says:

    Great gift ideas!

  • alessia milanese says:

    Love this gift guide and loooove bag nr 2!





  • Rowena @ rolala loves says:

    Fabulous selections Madison! I'd be quite happy iff that Taeseok handbag showed up under my Christmas tree. It's perfectly charming! Have a lovely weekend!

    Rowena @ rolala loves
    Enter my Blue Nile necklace giveaway!

  • Rebecca says:

    These are truly great gift ideas! I am loving those bags and I really want that box tie tuxedo one! Cutest bag I have seen in awhile! DSW's book looks pretty awesome too!


  • Couturetrend says:
  • disqus_5n9vU7FZce says:

    Cool gift guide!

    want the bag n.2!!! 😀



  • Adeola Naomi Aderemi says:

    The books are amazing! I would love the Dior and McQueen one!

  • Nicky mywishstyle says:

    thanks to share your choices! beautiful ideas!

  • Erika Sorocco says:

    The Shoe Lover book? I need that in my life!


  • Lilli says:

    Hi Madison, your ideas are all great, the beauty stuff especially is what I love most. How cute is the second bag!:) Have a lovely weekend, kisses! xo

  • KizzyDoll says:

    These are perfect gifts, love each section as gift ideas I've seen so far doll, love it!! The bag with the bow tie is the sweetest, I'd like that one :)) I hope you have a wonderful weekend xx

  • Emmy MW says:

    Totally lemming for that McQueen book right now. Great list, Madison:)
    Happy Friday.


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