The Cuppa Catch Up

As I type this I am on my way to a late meeting and then off to shoot a few goodies to share with you soon. Earlier I had an extended break time, which typically means it's the moment that I can refill my cuppa, check messages, browse online for great deals (think, summer holiday), and continue reading chapters from books that are currently holding my interests.

Here are a few links and things that have made the week brighter—funnily enough, even inspiration coming from familiar and unlikely places.

Wear: warm pieces

Other than my latest DIY, which you may have seen, I have been constantly donning an older hand-knitted scarf made by a friend, which has some of my favourite colours. 

Drink: organic tea by Teatulia

Teatulia Teas

One great thing about receiving gifts from best friends who really pay attention to what you love is the fact that they really pay attention! I was fortunate to have some wonderful teas by Teatulia and loved them. Recommended favourites: Earl of Bengal, and Bengal Breakfast tea.

Teatulia produces 100% organic tea, coming from their garden in Bangladesh, and they have a genuine heart of social responsibility as well. Their eco-packaging from compostable materials is just one of many reasons to appreciate the brand. Read more here.

Look: online beauty buys 

Beauty Blogger Real Techniques Makeup Tools

“Ahem, dear late-night internet advert … you had me at ULTA! ” I don’t normally post many beauty hauls, but over the holidays I did manage to purchase a few new beauty tools, including these Real Techniques brushes that I’m very pleased with. Needless to say, I wasn't exactly feeling complete until I purchased more than three with the online deal that I got!

Read: art and enlightenment

I often stash a few old books in my carryall when I travel, even though they might be pamphlets or books that I have read before. As a result, there’s always some division of newness that I absorb from them. After a recent trip, here are two books that I took with me for inspiration: Marc Chagall and Maya Angelou. 

Eat: homemade Greek fries & mushroom soup  

 Click images to view

In the past week I have made both of these tasty foods. My Wednesday weakness might be delicious homemade chanterelle mushroom soup, and my weekend indulgence was amazing Greek fries. Sometimes trusting to your instincts is hearing straight from your belly! Good food seems to taste better when you make it yourself.

Listen:  Moon Landing

james Blunt Moon Landing Music 

Image: Rolling Stone

Music has always been an essential element in my life just as art, but to be honest, I have never been an overtly crazed fan of James Blunt …  I've always respected his music, however I never actually acquired an album or thought about it.  And, despite mixed reviews, I did enjoy songs from his latest album, ‘Moon Landing,’ released back in October of 2013. If you’re up for heartfelt/whisper-sounding emotional songs, do have a listen. Perhaps, add a couple of tracks to your rainy day playlist.

Have you ever heard a song in a café or local grocer, and kept hearing that song so much that it made you not like it? Then, later on, you find yourself singing said song(s) or even buying the album, why? Because, now you actually really listened to it. Yes, this is the exact feeling and situation that happened. So, let it be.

Support: the arts in 3D

3d printing art shapeways

 1-Steroediamond necklace, 2-Crown ring, 3-Umbrella girls earrings, 4-Woven purse

As an artist myself and an avid devotee to technology and emerging talent, I thought I had shared about this before. But, it turns out, that triggered memory was an old conversation that I had with a co-worker. I had forgotten about this clever site, Shapeways, which I came across a while back as I was doing online research. With technology advancing as fast as we can order a "Venti" cuppa or anything, at least it seems to me, 3D printing design certainly is the future. Shapeways is essentially a brilliant social marketplace that allows a designer, independent artist or anyone with a great idea to upload their design—to then have it 3D printed and sold across the globe is simply perfect! 

Don’t fret, if you’re not much of an artist yourself, there’s plenty of captivating products for you to purchase and view. From fashion to gadgets, created by people from all over the world, the site makes possessing a 3D printed product affordable for everyone.

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