Colmillo de Morsa [Interview]: Fashion Palms

There’s something quite special to be said when you experience the work of an artisan. Whether it’s by wearing an artisan’s work in your wardrobe or merely being an appreciator—witnessing the process and seeing a result transpire from an idea makes it all the more extraordinary.

In my recent interview with Barcelona based fashion brand, Colmillo de Morsa, the designing creatives talked about the unprompted story behind their unique name as well as the entire artistic process in developing a fresh collection.

Colmillo de Morsa merges the art of handcræft elements with modern æsthetics that is evident in each garment produced. Their work oozes hints of minimalism with a modernised twist. All garments can be intermixed with traditional wardrobe staples or worn independently.

Elisabet Vallecillo and Javier Blanco, the dynamic pair behind Colmillo de Morsa, take pride in the core values that shape the ethos and foundation of the business. In their line, you will find soft and sheer hues as well as structured separates for men and women. 

In the Crystal Palace (Palacio de Cristal) FW 13-14 collection, leather played a recurring role. “We made some pieces in leather with handmade cut triangles. People think that it is laser cut, but it is completely handmade by us with lot of care one by one,” the designers stated.

 “beauty has endless forms, as many as eyes that look at it.”

                                                          -Colmillo de Morsa


So, who might you spot wearing Colmillo de Morsa’s designs? Instead of having an exact target defined by age, just about anyone—from the contemporary innovator to an indie art lover, all individuals with the empathy of the brand’s ideals are wearing their clothing.

In fact, Colmillo de Morsa worked with Volotea, an airline out of Barcelona, and was commissioned to design their uniforms. 

At the rate that the brand is going, there’s certainly high hopes for the future of the company. And, the designers are aiming straight to the top of the wish list of who they would love to dress, which includes Tilda Swinton. “We appreciate her particular beauty, her natural way and delicate androgyny. We believe she is an icon of the modern woman, sure of herself, urban, and with a unique style,” Blanco said.

The company is steadfast in expanding in global markets and pieces are currently available from their atelier in Barcelona, online, and internationally.

What do you think about Colmillo de Morsa’s pieces?

For more information or to shop the brand visit

Getting to know Colmillo de Morsa:

On the origin of their brand name …

We were reading a history book about ancient civilisations and saw images of ornaments (made of ivory) of walrus tusks. After talking about how special it is that an ugly animal could have something so beautiful, we decided that Colmillo de Morsa (meaning, walrus tusk) should be our name.

What the brand wants you to appreciate and grasp about their clothing …

We understand the concept of design as an empirical task and exploration, in which to put all our personal sensitivity.

Any words of wisdom that you would give to an aspiring designer?

We think it’s important to know that this is not a sprint, this is an endurance race! You must be constant and think about what you are doing, and be completely happy with it! Enjoy all the time and create everything with your best love!

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