This outfit might be the most relaxed looks (for weekend
attire) that I have without wearing a maxi skirt or jersey knit dress. This was a nice
breakaway from my usual weekend style, because I usually live in dresses during the
week. The fun in the sun type of
summer feeling has been rubbing off on me the past couple of weekends.
I recently had to swiftly attend a seminar, but I was able to
have a great conversation with several colleagues about making time for ourselves! It
was all very interesting, as most of us work similar schedules or long hours. Even
though only a few others and I claimed to believe that although we might be
extremely busy at times, we still feel the best when there’s balance in our lives!
You should always make time to spend with those you love, but especially take time out for yourself. This could be going to get a manicure, working out, hiking, reading, planning a holiday, etc. Life should be enjoyed, and
that is exactly what I do! I decided many moons ago, that I would not get
burned out (and this applies to life, not just blogging). Whatever you need to
do … just do it!
Are you hard at work with no time for play? Well, perhaps it’s
time for a retreat! Sunshine and fresh blooms can restore our smiles. Just add
a little gratitude, and optimism and you have quite the concoction and ingredients for an enjoyable life, regardless of the schedule.
The summer festivities will surely start for us soon, as I
just made an R.S.V.P. to my first wedding invite for the season a little bit
ago. Fortunately, a few summer plans have been made; including the Mr. scoring
some great tickets to see Norwegian soulful musician Bernhoft, which I am so excited about (more videos here)! As for the outfit: it’s simple, summery, and had a burst of happy colour. Ahem, I could not resist a dash of neon and pink-coral.
Read On ... Link Shares:
-Helen Bonham Carter and her question to Prince William ... hehe!
-An inspiring story
about a thirteen-year-old entrepreneur. See, you can do anything with hard work
and dedication.
What are you looking forward to this summer?
The goods: Crochet Lace Top and Neon Hat-c/o Osasp, Denim cut
into shorts-Lucky, Wedges-Nine West, Tank-H&M, Necklace-DIY, Yellow Lucite
pendant-gifted, Canvas bag-(old) Delias NY, Watch-iKen, Other jewellery-Assorted bangles-Consignment shop, Nordstrom,Charity shop.
Stay updated via Facebook, Instagram, and Bloglovin'
This is such a beautiful look! Love that top in red ! So unique 🙂
Really nice look 🙂
The top is amazing!
Svetlana from Lavender Star // BlogLovin //
Instagram // Faceboook
A good balance is a must for sure! Glad you are able to relax a bit! Lovely blouse!
Wow look absolutely great in this ensem! I am looking forward to wearing my cutoffs too!!!
That top you're wearing is so cute! I definitely agree with you too! We absolutely need time for ourselves. It's basically like recharging!
wonderful outfit dear, you look so pretty in bright colors
Thanks so much Alexandra. Have a great week.
That top in red is perfect! Love the look 🙂
Don't forget to check my $50 Shopbop gift card giveaway!!
great look! love your shoes!!
I love that lace top. looks so gorgeous with those shorts. I'm looking forward warm summer with plenty of sun. Fingers cross.
xoxo Ra
The lace top is just fantastic, dear Madison
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Love your shoes!
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I look forward to afternoons spent at the lake and long hacks with my cute horse!
You look adorable and so relaxed! 🙂
Thank you! I hope you're enjoying your weekend. xx/Madison
Thanks for leaving such a kind comment on my blog. I'm following you now on Bloglovin from Finland 🙂 I'm looking forward to finishing my master level thesis project!
E from Helsinki, Finland
Thanks Josie!
That is such a beautiful statement top! I like it paired with your bright wedges too 🙂 Hope you have a wonderful summer and find lots of balance 🙂
Away From The Blue
Sounds great! Enjoy your staycation and family time! Thanks! /Madison 🙂
Liebe Lola, Danke! Schönes Wochenende!
Liebe Grüße,
/Madison xx
Thank you Marie! And, I'm glad that you're able to be a bit more relaxed (with blogging), and have balance. 🙂
Thanks very much Ali, I'm glad that this post resonated with you.
Danke für Deinen Kommentar!
Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes Wochenende.
Yes, laughter is so good for the soul! 🙂 Thanks for your comment Laura!
Absolutely! Thanks Hoda for your lovely comment. 🙂
Have a great weekend. /Madison
Thank you for your comment. Yes, it definitely depends on your occupation and lifestyle--what may work for some may not work for others, regarding how to balance it all!
Thanks Rowena! Yes, sometimes those 'little things,' are what can have the most effect on us. 🙂
I think we all could use a bit of occasional motivation and reminding to have balance in our daily living. Thanks Courtney!
Thanks Emmy! Yes, getting burned out is not recommended for healthy living ... at least not for me! 🙂
Thank you! I hope you stay cool in that heatwave and load up on plenty of water, etc. 🙂
Yes, I agree and sometimes when you do what you love you might spend more time working without even realising that you're working so much... But, for me I've been able to find little moments to take a breather. Thanks Natalia!
Thanks so much Lu!
Yes, summer concerts and festivals are my favourite as well. 🙂 Thanks Stanislava!
Thanks Daniella! I also usually take one day, sometimes on Sunday works best for me to just rest when I can. xx
Hi Ivana-- thanks for commenting sharing! I'm glad to hear that you are looking forward to swimming this summer. 🙂
Thank you! 🙂
Yes, I think we all have felt that way. You can definitely have balance + dancing, hehe! ... I hope you find a way to do it soon. x
Thanks so much Mahshid!
Thanks Mary Jo! xx
Thank you Kim. I agree, it's difficult at times to stay on track--but once you tell yourself quality time is essential I found that even 10 minutes can help.Your trip sounds great, enjoy! Have a lovely weekend!
I agree, and thanks so much for your comment. 🙂
Absolutely! Doing what you love makes a massive difference.x
You look awesome, love your little hat! Agree, you have to take time for yourself and what makes you happy x
Super cute summer outfit! Supper is always tricky for me, cuz I need to find a balance between office appropriate yet stylish enough for summer heat...
Oh yea you're right! We all need balance unless we will go crazy. Lol! You look lovely 🙂
Danke dir Madison <3
Deine Bluser ist suuuper! Rot steht dir sehr gut! 🙂
Liebe Grüße aus München
I love this summer outfit. The red top and shoes are gorgeous.
Lookin' lovely as always. And that's such good advice about taking time for ourselves. I need more balance in my life.
Balance in life is key to happiness! So very true! I have learned to just not take things too seriously, including myself! It's always good to laugh and treat yourself <3 LOVE that coral top, Madison! It's gorgeous! Happy weekend!
I love the bright pop of color in your outfit! You're so beautiful!
I am definitely looking forward to this summer--I'm going to Morocco for 3 weeks! 😀 hooray! Can't wait! And I totally love/agree with what you wrote about just enjoying the little, calm things in life like spending time with people you love, biking, etc--the things we all forget to do during the school year! xx
<(') Hoda | JooJoo Azad ~ Free Bird
madison, you are so right. that was one of my goals at the beginning of this year. i've really tried hard to maintain it. i did plan one trip for myself. it's important to get away and see new things. it's been a busy year for me trying to do it all. great outfit doll and enjoy each and every day!
Love how you mix different colors! and yeah, definitely need to balance play time and work time! <3 but I guess depends on what kind of work you have 😀
New Post: White shirt and Overall
xoxo, Claire from Vancouver, Canada
I am loving all the shorts weather coming (and here some days) so thoroughly enjoy your ensemble! Love the hat with it too 🙂
xo Mary Jo
Cute look! Amazing colors! =)
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Love the hat and the top! Great summer outfit!
I don't have plans yet! I really like those wedges you are wearing!
Don't Call
Me Fashion Blogger
I like what you said about taking time for yourself and your loved ones as it's the little things like that keep us going. I like how you always look so put together even for the weekend Madison!
Rowena @ rolala loves
Ich versuche auch immer Qualitäts-Zeit für mich zu finden. Aber oft ist man so im Stress und merkt es nicht mal.
Dein Outfit ist klasse. Ich mag die rote Bluse sehr.
I totally agree! It is so important to take time out for yourself and to do the things that make you happy. It is only recently that I've been starting to apply that idea to my life and I've been a little more relaxed with blogging (whereas before I was super intense and strict of posting all the time!). Anyway, I really like this summer outfit you are wearing! The colors are so bright and fun 🙂
That top is so pretty on you! Total agree that it's important to take some time to relax. Have a great weekend!
The Tiny Heart
Your outfit says it all: BALANCE is beautiful 🙂 Your look is cool,stylish. and comfy….Love the hat!!!
xx from Vienna
I love those shoes, so fun! 😀
Luckily I do have balance in my life, probably tips a little too close to personal life but that's okay. ha ha. Since I work at home right now it's a lot easier to have me time
That's such a lovely top - I love how relaxed and cool this whole outfit is. And I couldn't agree more with you about the importance of "me" time and not burning out. Although I definitely need to work on my work-life balance....
Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines
Aaah, I can't agree with you enough! You've gotta take time off to see your friends and relax for a few hours, because if you work all the time you'll go mad. I'm a workaholic so I know that's definitely true! Good words, lady.
Your top is so breezy and bright. I love the texture! Have a wonderful week my friend. 🙂
Lovely shoes!
new post
You look so good in this outfit, Madison:) And balance in life is surely important. Too much work is never good!
You look fabulous dear:) and I agree with you...we must find time for ourselves...
and to answer the question- to be honest what I'm looking forward the most is swimming...I used to be a capital swimmer but had some health problems for the last few summers...this year I hope to spend 5 hours a day in the sea and 10 hours a day on the least for a few week or so:)
beautiful shoes!
Your top is so pretty Madison, I love the colour as well as the crochet texture. The way you combined it with the denim shorts and those amazingly printed wedges looks so great.
I definitely have come to learn just how important taking time for yourself is. I try to set aside at least one day where I can do things that I find relaxing 🙂
Take care,
Daniella xox
Oh yeah, we work to live and not live to work. I nearly destroyed myself once and although I give 100% to everything at least I'm doing something I love.
Those sandals rock! x
it sure is such a lovely summer look! though right now I would feel super hot in something like that since we're having a heatwave here in Estonia 😛 anyway, the bright colours you've combined look beautiful together and those wedges are pretty awesome I must say. and I looove the hat!
Maikeni blogi - part of me
Hi Madison! I agree with you, is nice to read your words as sometimes is something we take for granted. Sounds you are already planning your summertime, well done! Looking forward to that too! And talking about your outfit, you just look adorable! I need a lace top too, you should wear this combo more often as suits u. Enjoy the weekend dear, kisses! xo
I love those shoes, so fun! 😀
Luckily I do have balance in my life, probably tips a little too close to personal life but that's okay. ha ha. Since I work at home right now it's a lot easier to have me time
You've got a very beautiful sense for colours. I like this combo 🙂
Come and check my latest blog giveawaym dear xx
That's such a lovely top - I love how relaxed and cool this whole outfit is. And I couldn't agree more with you about the importance of "me" time and not burning out. Although I definitely need to work on my work-life balance....
Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines
Aaah, I can't agree with you enough! You've gotta take time off to see your friends and relax for a few hours, because if you work all the time you'll go mad. I'm a workaholic so I know that's definitely true! Good words, lady.
Your top is so breezy and bright. I love the texture! Have a wonderful week my friend. 🙂
Lovely shoes!
new post
You look so good in this outfit, Madison:) And balance in life is surely important. Too much work is never good!
Balancing really is crucial. We haven't had much time together as a family lately, so Monday we've planned a staycation- should be fun!
Love your casual look--- very easy breezy!
~Alexis Grace of North On Harper
The thing is that it's not so simple to remember about taking those breaks if you do something you truly enjoy. I only think about mine when I feel I am about to collapse (and I know it's not perfect, but that's just me).. 🙂 Love the outfit and absolutely adore the wedges!!! x
Love the top, so pretty. I hope you have a great weekend doll xx
You look fabulous dear:) and I agree with you...we must find time for ourselves...
and to answer the question- to be honest what I'm looking forward the most is swimming...I used to be a capital swimmer but had some health problems for the last few summers...this year I hope to spend 5 hours a day in the sea and 10 hours a day on the least for a few week or so:)
Making time for one self is absolutely necessary for mental health. Nowadays women have to balance so much. Love your outfit. That shade of red looks great on you.
Beauty Fashion Skin Care Blog -Girlie Blog Seattle | Casual Chic Style
beautiful shoes!
Your top is so pretty Madison, I love the colour as well as the crochet texture. The way you combined it with the denim shorts and those amazingly printed wedges looks so great.
I definitely have come to learn just how important taking time for yourself is. I try to set aside at least one day where I can do things that I find relaxing 🙂
Take care,
Daniella xox
Oh yeah, we work to live and not live to work. I nearly destroyed myself once and although I give 100% to everything at least I'm doing something I love.
Those sandals rock! x
it sure is such a lovely summer look! though right now I would feel super hot in something like that since we're having a heatwave here in Estonia 😛 anyway, the bright colours you've combined look beautiful together and those wedges are pretty awesome I must say. and I looove the hat!
Maikeni blogi - part of me
Hi Madison! I agree with you, is nice to read your words as sometimes is something we take for granted. Sounds you are already planning your summertime, well done! Looking forward to that too! And talking about your outfit, you just look adorable! I need a lace top too, you should wear this combo more often as suits u. Enjoy the weekend dear, kisses! xo
You've got a very beautiful sense for colours. I like this combo 🙂
Come and check my latest blog giveawaym dear xx
Balancing really is crucial. We haven't had much time together as a family lately, so Monday we've planned a staycation- should be fun!
Love your casual look--- very easy breezy!
~Alexis Grace of North On Harper
The thing is that it's not so simple to remember about taking those breaks if you do something you truly enjoy. I only think about mine when I feel I am about to collapse (and I know it's not perfect, but that's just me).. 🙂 Love the outfit and absolutely adore the wedges!!! x
Love the top, so pretty. I hope you have a great weekend doll xx
Making time for one self is absolutely necessary for mental health. Nowadays women have to balance so much. Love your outfit. That shade of red looks great on you.
Beauty Fashion Skin Care Blog -Girlie Blog Seattle | Casual Chic Style