Pastel Splendour

I had truly wanted pastel frames for quite some time,
and I think I even dedicated a few Pinterest images to this desire. So, with
great enthusiasm, I got really excited when I heard that these eyeglasses were waiting for me in a parcel. Thankfully, I finally received them safely, and went
journeying on in route to meet up with a colleague. I could not wait to try them
on to get the full effect, surely fellow eyeglasses wearers would understand.

Just as any fashion garment or accessory these particular
eyeglasses are certainly not for a self-doubting, conservative, or shy type of fashionista.
Although, I will tell you a secret … I used to be painfully shy in my youth,
believe or not! But, when it comes to fashion … not at all. I always enjoy artsy statement pieces of expression.

Yes, I would say that now, I have a proper eyeglasses collection—everything from classic cat
eyes to tortoise style frames are included. One for any type of outfit or day
of the week, it’s no problem! But, these are more of a playful fashion
statement. Ah, the glory! Can you feel my excitement?

Derek Cardigan #lookambassador

I tried to capture these frames with an easy outfit, but
even in the photos they looked a wee bit different than they actually do in the sunlight vs. indoor lighting. Up
close and personal though, they are more of a light lavender colour, and it works well with neutrals. Anyway, I am very happy
with these frames and have been wearing them so far most of the week.

Will I be acquiring pastel shoes with a matching pastel
bag to wear along with these frames? Hmm, not a chance! But, if you somewhat know
my style at all, then you already knew that. Perhaps, I will style them differently (think,
something printed and vibrant) with another outfit very soon.

Have you tried a new style of sunglasses or eyeglasses recently? 

The goods: Derek Cardigan matte frames Style#7003-c/o Coastal. View new frame options hereDenim mini skirt-Refuge/SF-thrifted, Tank, Cardigan-Express, handbag-Vintage. *Special thanks to my friend Dahlia for dyeing my hair with a few streaks of blue. 

Coastal Style blogger Pastel eyewwear

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*I am also linking this post up with Sacramento's Share-in-Style "Denim" series. View more here.

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  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks! I'm a fan of pastel hues! 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks! I&#39m a fan of pastel hues! 🙂

  • Mary Jo says:

    Those look great on you Madision, I adore the color! You may inspire me to venture beyond my clear Paul Smith frames one day...haha, but probably not. I'm fairly boring when it comes to my glasses but make up for it in sunglasses 😉

    xo Mary Jo

  • Mary Jo says:

    Those look great on you Madision, I adore the color! You may inspire me to venture beyond my clear Paul Smith frames one day...haha, but probably not. I&#39m fairly boring when it comes to my glasses but make up for it in sunglasses 😉

    xo Mary Jo

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Liebe Rena, danke, dass Sie meine Brille lieben. Haha, ja, es kann auf den ersten überwältigend sein. Ich liebe es, verschiedene Stile mit meinen Outfits zu wählen. Ich hoffe, Sie haben eine schöne Woche.
    Alles liebe,
    Madison xx

  • Oh to Be a Muse says:

    I also used to be painfully shy as a kid. I'm better at it now, though. I don't wear glasses, but I kind of want a pair (non sunglasses). They just look so cute on everyone.

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thank you Lu!

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks so much Jenmarie. Yes, it's very summery--even though I will likely wear them all year, lol. 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks miss b. Yeah, I'm very happy with the pastel colour. They're so different than my usual dark cat eye frames. 🙂 Enjoy your week.

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks Laura!

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Liebe Rena, danke, dass Sie meine Brille lieben. Haha, ja, es kann auf den ersten überwältigend sein. Ich liebe es, verschiedene Stile mit meinen Outfits zu wählen. Ich hoffe, Sie haben eine schöne Woche.
    Alles liebe,
    Madison xx

  • Oh to Be a Muse says:

    I also used to be painfully shy as a kid. I&#39m better at it now, though. I don&#39t wear glasses, but I kind of want a pair (non sunglasses). They just look so cute on everyone.

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thank you Lu!

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks so much Jenmarie. Yes, it&#39s very summery--even though I will likely wear them all year, lol. 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks miss b. Yeah, I&#39m very happy with the pastel colour. They&#39re so different than my usual dark cat eye frames. 🙂 Enjoy your week.

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks Laura!

  • Ms Madge says:

    Cool...I like the purple ones 😀 x

  • Lola Finn says:

    Diese Brillen sind so toll!!! Sehr schöne Farben!! 🙂
    Liebe Greüße aus München

  • Dressed with soul says:

    Liebe Madison, ich verstehe Dich so gut! Deine neue Brille ist absolut toll und steht Dir einfach nur hervorragend! Ich habe nur eine normale Brille, die ich täglich trage, denn wenn ich mehr Brillen hätte, dann würde mich die Auswahl der richtigen Brille am Morgen auch noch überfordern 🙂 Du bist hier viel besser und ich mag auch Dein Outfit wieder sehr gerne <3

    Ich wünsche Dir eine wunderschöne Woche!

    Alles Liebe von Rena

  • laura says:

    very glad you got your pastel wish, Madison! These frames look awesome on you! <3

  • Lola Finn says:

    Diese Brillen sind so toll!!! Sehr schöne Farben!! 🙂
    Liebe Greüße aus München

  • laura says:

    very glad you got your pastel wish, Madison! These frames look awesome on you! <3

  • Jacqueline says:

    I really love the blue pair. 😀

  • Anouka says:

    The last pair of sunglasses I got was in November. Your glasses look great; definitely suit you!

  • Emmy MW says:

    LOLZ....I don't know why I wrote "sunnies":D Brain fart!
    Have a great weekend!

  • Lubka Christova says:

    I like your casual relaxed look and these frames are so pretty! Love the transparency of the material 🙂


  • Erika Sorocco says:

    I am in LOVE with those frames! They seriously brighten up your entire face / outfit. Gorgeous!!


  • Sam @ Frills & Thrills says:

    Love the lavender hue of your glasses, they look so pretty. I appreciate your kind comment <3

  • miss b says:

    These frames really suit you. The lavender shade is such a summery colour and so different from all the dark heavy frames which are being worn at the moment. The right choice of glasses can make such a difference. Have a great weekend!

  • RedTagChicLA says:

    Actually I've really been trying out new shapes & colors of sunnies for Summer & I'm loving those mirrored ones.....they're so much fun!!!


  • Jenmarie says:

    These are too cute on you! The color couldn't be more perfect for the season 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Danke Cla, Haha! 🙂 Ich liebe diese Farbe, und ja ich stimme Brillen, ideal für Outfits!
    Schönes Wochenende.

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Yes, I wear prescription glasses. I started wearing frames around about my teens, maybe 13/14 age period, but of course, now frame styles are sooo much better today! 🙂 Thanks Stephanie!

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks Daniella. 🙂 x

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thank you. Yes, I think i will get plenty of wearing time from these, especially this summer. 🙂 xo

  • Ladyofashion says:

    I'm sure you will find a pair soon Stanislava. There are many options out there. 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    These are eyeglasses actually, but I have seen some great styles in sunglasses as well. thanks Emmy. 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks Vanessa!
    LG, xx

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks so much Lilli. I'm so happy with them. 🙂 happy weekend.

  • says:

    I used to be shy, too! Are your glasses prescription? I've had to wear glasses since the 4th grade and though they used to be uncool, I've grown to love them and have built a nice collection up myself. They're truly a fabulous accessory!

  • Daniella says:

    Oo Madison these new frames of yours are great! I love the pastel colour and the neutral outfit is a perfect compliment 🙂

    Take care and have a lovely weekend,

    Daniella xox

  • Ivana Džidić says:

    I totally agree....the frames are perfect for you...and this is a really cute summer outfit:)

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Yes, I wear prescription glasses. I started wearing frames around about my teens, maybe 13/14 age period, but of course, now frame styles are sooo much better today! 🙂 Thanks Stephanie!

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks Daniella. 🙂 x

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thank you. Yes, I think i will get plenty of wearing time from these, especially this summer. 🙂 xo

  • Ladyofashion says:

    I&#39m sure you will find a pair soon Stanislava. There are many options out there. 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    These are eyeglasses actually, but I have seen some great styles in sunglasses as well. thanks Emmy. 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks Vanessa!
    LG, xx

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks so much Lilli. I&#39m so happy with them. 🙂 happy weekend.

  • says:

    I used to be shy, too! Are your glasses prescription? I&#39ve had to wear glasses since the 4th grade and though they used to be uncool, I&#39ve grown to love them and have built a nice collection up myself. They&#39re truly a fabulous accessory!

  • Daniella says:

    Oo Madison these new frames of yours are great! I love the pastel colour and the neutral outfit is a perfect compliment 🙂

    Take care and have a lovely weekend,

    Daniella xox

  • Couture Carrie says:

    Hi gorgeous!
    Love the frames!


  • Ivana Džidić says:

    I totally agree....the frames are perfect for you...and this is a really cute summer outfit:)

  • Maisha Sharma says:

    ohh such a sexy the color a lott..follow u babe

  • Glam up your Lifestyle says:

    Ich freue mich mit dir. Ich weiß, wie dass ist wenn man länger auf was wartet. Die farbige Brille ist klasse. Ich mag farbige Brillen sehr gerne, die peppen jedes Outfit auf.

  • Emmy MW says:

    I've never seen this colour on sunnies before, Madison. I like it a lot! I do think it would go with almost anything.
    Have a great Friday:)

  • Couture Carrie says:

    Hi gorgeous!
    Love the frames!


  • Maisha Sharma says:

    ohh such a sexy the color a lott..follow u babe

  • Glam up your Lifestyle says:

    Ich freue mich mit dir. Ich weiß, wie dass ist wenn man länger auf was wartet. Die farbige Brille ist klasse. Ich mag farbige Brillen sehr gerne, die peppen jedes Outfit auf.

  • chicncheapliving says:

    The frames are gorgeous! I can definitely see these as the perfect glasses for a fun, pastel filled bright day! I hope you get to wear them a lot!


    little luxury list formerly Chic 'n Cheap Living

  • Lilli says:

    I can feel your big excitement! And the pastel frame you got is utterly cute and suits you very well Madison! I like how you styled them, a cozy and fresh look for summer!:) Happy weekend dear, kisses! xo

  • KizzyDoll says:

    These look so cute on you!! I had a pair of pastel frames when i was a teenager, though they weren't so in fashion as they are now, haha! But, i loved them, very pretty. Have a lovely weekend doll xx

  • Emmy MW says:

    I&#39ve never seen this colour on sunnies before, Madison. I like it a lot! I do think it would go with almost anything.
    Have a great Friday:)

  • chicncheapliving says:

    The frames are gorgeous! I can definitely see these as the perfect glasses for a fun, pastel filled bright day! I hope you get to wear them a lot!


    little luxury list formerly Chic &#39n Cheap Living

  • Lilli says:

    I can feel your big excitement! And the pastel frame you got is utterly cute and suits you very well Madison! I like how you styled them, a cozy and fresh look for summer!:) Happy weekend dear, kisses! xo

  • KizzyDoll says:

    These look so cute on you!! I had a pair of pastel frames when i was a teenager, though they weren&#39t so in fashion as they are now, haha! But, i loved them, very pretty. Have a lovely weekend doll xx


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