Weekend: Tech, Style, and Prep

Happy Friday! After a long week, I am ready to start the weekend. Additionally, another reason to be excited is that I got back in time to take part in the Nokia style challenge along with many others. I will be using the Lumia 635, Cortana device that Nokia provided me
with to check out what it offers, as well as see how it helps me during my
shopping excursion.

I must admit, I have two Smartphones, one which I use
strictly for work, but neither of them are Windows phones, so I was definitely
interested in this challenge because the Lumia comes with Windows 8.1. That
alone is a feature that I was most looking forward to using on-the-go with the Microsoft
Office applications.

Nokia Lumia 635 StyledbyLumia challenge

(Above: getting acquainted with the phone and about to book more travelling dates).

I am starting to play with the phone more, and getting everything
in order, so all will soon be sorted. The One Note and One Drive is lending
itself to be very useful at the moment, especially for task lists, schedules, and work documents. 

But, so far, honestly the only thing that I
am truly missing primarily is the crispness of my current Smartphone cameras. Although this offers auto focus and panorama features, if
you have an iPhone, then you will notice a difference, as the Lumia 635 has 5
Megapixels with no LED flash. However, I did test it out, and it seems to take decent close-up shots.

Well, there’s much to analyse and sift through, and I am gleefully
downloading Apps as I type. I’ll have loads to share throughout this venture,
so stay tuned …

Be sure to follow my journey, and other fellow fashionistas
as we find budget-friendly styles in the Nokia #StyledbyLumia three-week challenge. I will be updating my findings
mostly via Twitter, and Instagram, but occasionally here on the blog as well.

This weekend we'll be hosting a big dinner, so I will be squeezing in shopping at some point in-between. Looking forward to showing you more in these next few weeks.

What are your plans for the weekend?

Nokia Fashion blogger Lumia style challenge

(Above this image taken with the Lumia).

*Disclosure: This is a sponsored post and part of Microsoft Lumia Device Test group, and I was compensated to test and review the Lumia 635. All opinions expressed are my own. 

Stay updated via Facebook, and Bloglovin'Instagram

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  • Cosmochics says:

    Looks Z& sounds... amazing !:)

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Liebe Rena,
    Vielen Dank für Deine schönen Kommentar. Ich hoffe, Sie haben eine wunderbare Woche! 🙂
    Alles Liebe,
    Madison xx

  • Ladyofashion says:

    haha, yes I do wish we could im! 🙂 Thanks!

  • A Very Sweet Blog says:

    windows 8.1 is great. don't you wish you could take the best of every phone and just make one of your own? LOL

  • Dressed with soul says:

    Liebe Madison, das ist eine interessante Challenge und ich wünsche Dir viel Erfolg! Ich hatte ein schönes Wochenende, da wir entsprechend unserem Plan beim Wandern in den Bergen waren und die Tage auf unserer Terrasse genossen haben, da das Wetter sehr schön war. Hoffentlich hattest Du auch ein sehr tolles Wochenende!

    Alles Liebe von Rena


  • Lubka Christova says:

    I've never ever had a phone with Windows. I guess it's super easy to operate it. I hope you got the hand of it already 🙂

    Lu | http://www.balgarka.co.uk

  • Dressed with soul says:

    Liebe Madison, das ist eine interessante Challenge und ich wünsche Dir viel Erfolg! Ich hatte ein schönes Wochenende, da wir entsprechend unserem Plan beim Wandern in den Bergen waren und die Tage auf unserer Terrasse genossen haben, da das Wetter sehr schön war. Hoffentlich hattest Du auch ein sehr tolles Wochenende!

    Alles Liebe von Rena


  • Lubka Christova says:

    I&#39ve never ever had a phone with Windows. I guess it&#39s super easy to operate it. I hope you got the hand of it already 🙂

    Lu | http://www.balgarka.co.uk

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Cla, Ich benutze auch Apple, aber das Nokia ist sehr schön und hat einige interessante Features. 🙂 x
    Madison 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks for your support Lilli! xx

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks Emmy! will certainly let you know more, and my thought about the challenge soon. x

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks dear. Much rested now. I'm excited for this challenge, it shall be a lot of fun! 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Yes, if you're looking for an alternative, I would suggest playing around with the Lumia, especially other styles of it too.xx

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks! xx

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks dear,, Yes, I shall have a bit more to share abut the phone later on this week. 🙂 Dankeschön meine Schwester!

    Alles Liebe, Madison xx

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Well, the Windows element is pretty nice, I must admit! But, like you mentioned Apple is very convincing, especially with the Apps and camera features. Will be updating my thoughts on it later.

  • Ladyofashion says:

    🙂 Many companies have definitely stepped up their tech-game, regarding mobile styles. Thanks for your comment Carsla.

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Yes, I am going to hold out on the 6 for a bit, but the iPhone 5 works great to me. I hope you enjoyed a restful weekend. 🙂 x

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Haha, thanks dear, I agree!

  • Ladyofashion says:

    It's pretty great, especially the Windows part ... I will update more later on. 🙂 xx

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Ouch, dropping two phones can be quite costly if it breaks. yes, I will be updating about it later in the week. Thanks Mahshid! xxoo

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Great! Yes, the camera on the 5 is a good element. I am liking many part of this phone as well so far. 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks for your support Lilli! xx

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks Emmy! will certainly let you know more, and my thought about the challenge soon. x

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks dear. Much rested now. I&#39m excited for this challenge, it shall be a lot of fun! 🙂

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks! xx

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Thanks dear,, Yes, I shall have a bit more to share abut the phone later on this week. 🙂 Dankeschön meine Schwester!

    Alles Liebe, Madison xx

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Well, the Windows element is pretty nice, I must admit! But, like you mentioned Apple is very convincing, especially with the Apps and camera features. Will be updating my thoughts on it later.

  • Ladyofashion says:

    🙂 Many companies have definitely stepped up their tech-game, regarding mobile styles. Thanks for your comment Carsla.

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Yes, I am going to hold out on the 6 for a bit, but the iPhone 5 works great to me. I hope you enjoyed a restful weekend. 🙂 x

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Haha, thanks dear, I agree!

  • Ladyofashion says:

    It&#39s pretty great, especially the Windows part ... I will update more later on. 🙂 xx

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Ouch, dropping two phones can be quite costly if it breaks. yes, I will be updating about it later in the week. Thanks Mahshid! xxoo

  • Ladyofashion says:

    Great! Yes, the camera on the 5 is a good element. I am liking many part of this phone as well so far. 🙂

  • borka gamero says:

    This is beyond beautiful!
    Kisses from Miami,

  • Rosalind Jana says:

    Hope you enjoyed your shopping and your hosting of that big dinner - I'm sure it was an impeccably stylish affair!

  • borka gamero says:

    This is beyond beautiful!
    Kisses from Miami,

  • Rosalind Jana says:

    Hope you enjoyed your shopping and your hosting of that big dinner - I&#39m sure it was an impeccably stylish affair!

  • miranda says:

    I have been looking for an alternative to the iphone. I may have to look into this .




  • Lola finn says:

    Thank youuuuuu <3
    Wish you a wonderful sunday, dear Madison 🙂

  • Missy May says:

    Sounds very interesting. I'm looking to getting a new smartphone - will be awaiting your review about this. 🙂 I'm working today, but off on Sunday, so I can attend church service which I haven't been for awhile. *Schones Wockenende meine Schwester....Alles Liebe!*


  • Glam up your Lifestyle says:

    Oh das hört sich interessant an. Ich bin ja ein leidenschaftlicher Apple Benutzer. Deshalb kenne ich mich mit Nokia nicht so aus, aber es sieht schon mal gut aus. 😉

  • Carsla Peyton says:

    Lovely! I'm so glad Apple finally has some competition this past year! All vendors have definitely stepped it up when it comes to telecommunication! Great review. (:

    ♥ | http://www.connect-the-cloths.com | xoxo

  • Rowena @ rolala loves says:

    It's always fun to try out new tech. My husband is testing the iPhone 6 and 6 plus for work. Enjoy your big dinner this weekend. I've been down with a bug these past 2 days so I'll just be resting this weekend.

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  • Oh to Be a Muse says:

    I got the Nokia Lumia 635 as part of the challenge as well. And I would have to agree with you about the camera (my other phone is the S5, which has an amazing camera)l, but I'm enjoying playing around with it so far.

  • Jessica Neumann says:

    Oh!! This smartphone looks an awesome one

    Cultureandtrend Blog

  • Erika Sorocco says:

    Ooh the Lumia looks magnificent! I have never tried a Windows smartphone either; but I would love to give this a shot!


  • Laviña Jampit says:

    have a great weekend 🙂


  • Lilli says:

    Oh lucky you! Looks very cool and will follow your adventures and challenge for sure!:) Enjoy the weekend as well Madison, many kisses! xo

  • Mahshid says:

    I love new gadgets but have dropped two iPhones into the loo :/// Don't put your phone in your back pocket or it gets expensive!!! ..I won't buy a new phone any soon 🙁

    Let us know how you get along with your Nokia. Have a great weekend. Xoxo

    Mahshid مهشید



  • Emmy MW says:

    Happy Friday, Madison:)
    I must admit I've never used anything else but iphones, so I've always been curious with androids, and now, this Windows one. Let us know how you like it for sure.

  • KizzyDoll says:

    The phone looks really great, I hope you enjoy it and get some rest this weekend too, enjoy yourself. I will relax as well. So cool you get to do this as well, I hope it helps a lot 🙂 xx


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