December: Little Moments

Sometimes when the holidays approach it’s easy to forget to
cherish little moments that can make your day. Whether it’s wearing your favourite lipstick or enjoying trimming the tree, making time for memories is always a good

I was fortunate to be off quite early this month for an extended holiday, and as many of you know, I love to decorate. So, this year, I was able to decorate for our home before preparing to leave, and help friends set up décor for a holiday party as well.

With Christmas essentially right around the corner, I
thought I would share a few of my favourite December moments so far. There has already
been a great amount—some moments to keep sacred, and some to save until the new year. But, here’s a few
that I captured.

One of several family traditions that we have is finding different nutcrackers from diverse places, this year is my turn, but the one that I found is not shown until Christmas day. Here’s a couple snapshots of other ones that I used. In addition, there’s style favourites: a new travelling tote, a glimpse of holiday trimmings for entertaining, and more. 

Style shot of new wooden watch and the day’s accessories, Current favourite colourful scarf, Leather tote/travelling bag, Boxes, boxes, and more holiday boxes filled with gifts to ship, Tree trimming begins, and Favourite December look.  

Fun decorating dinner party table with poinsettias and filled vases with bulbs and marbles, Ornaments, The little soldiers, Christmas tree, More nutcrackers holding down the mantle, Fun holiday snowman, Finishing touches with trimming the tree.

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  • Marcela says:

    ❊#ª“˜¨ ᴺᴵᴳᴴᵀ﹗
    Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo 2015!!!
    ♥Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  • Danielle Styles says:

    Love your christmas decoration! hope you have a great week!

  • Lorietta says:

    lovely photos!:) the Christmas decorations are so cute!

  • Marcela says:

    ❊#ª”˜¨ ᴺᴵᴳᴴᵀ﹗
    Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo 2015!!!
    ♥Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  • SHE Jenmarie says:

    What a fun and unique tradition! I also love to read about all the different things people do. Your new bag is very nice!

  • JK says:

    LOve the photos

  • Anouk says:

    Collecting nutcrackers is such a cool tradition to have! Love it.

  • Mahshid says:

    Such a sweet tradition. Nutcrackers are decorative and can be practical too. Lovely little treasures <3

    Mahshid مهشید

  • Lubka Christova says:

    Pretty little moments. Wish you a fabulous season!

    Lu |

  • A Very Sweet Blog says:

    Beautiful Christmas decorations. I love nutcrackers.

  • Mica says:

    Looks like you've had a lot of fun decorating! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas, and enjoy your extended holiday! 🙂

    Away From The Blue

  • Erika Sorocco says:

    Your holiday decor is just stunning, Madison!!


  • idu says:

    Wow you are so talented! I love decorating too but not on this level, lol. Happy Holidays.

  • Maiken M says:

    oh hello, Madison. I've been wanting to leave you a note but something has always come up. anyway, finally I'm here 😀 thank you for the sweet words you left under my last post! and I love that post of yours. all those festive details, your beautiful outfit, accessories, all were so fascinating to discover! I hope your holidays will be magnificent 🙂

    Part of me

  • Lyosha says:

    so cute and happy! thanks for sharing it here as well!

    Inside and Outside Blog

  • Rowena @ rolala loves says:

    It's true that with all the hustle and bustle of the holidays, it can be easy to forget to savor those special moments. Thanks for this lovely reminder Madison! Here's to making more wonderful memories this month.

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  • Esmeralda Evangelista says:

    Lovely photos. Have a nice weekend!!!

    Don't Call Me
    Fashion Blogger



  • Emmy MW says:

    You got such mad skillz for decorating, Madison. And that leather tote=awesome!

  • Lilli says:

    That look has been my fav too in December, flawless! All the decorations are utterly adorable Madison, love the different nutcrackers tradition, very fun! Have a wonderful weekend! xo

  • Daniella says:

    Aww I love this Christmas post Madison! Sooo many pretty details that you've catered and shared with us today. I love your red nail polish, so perfect. 🙂

    Take care and Merry Christmas,

    Daniella xox

  • Stanislava E. says:

    I love decorating too but this year I can't find the time to do that. Hope to change that this weekend. Lovely photos! Love the watch and the scarf! Happy holidays to you too!


  • Stanislava E. says:

    I love decorating too but this year I can&#39t find the time to do that. Hope to change that this weekend. Lovely photos! Love the watch and the scarf! Happy holidays to you too!



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