Style: On The Fringe

The slightest peek of sunshine has ignited bursts of inspiration for me, but it also has me pondering about holiday bookings, and visiting family and friends that I normally don’t get a chance to see. I am so excited to finally see more sunshine, and fortunately I have a business trip to go on, so I’m sure there will be more sunny days to enjoy soon. 

After taking about a month or so off from style posts, it was a wonderful surprise to find this little gem, even though the photo was taken when I was literally rushing out the door, bare faced, and with only a lipstick to pull things together colour-wise. And, thank goodness for travel-friendly mascara!  

This outfit was overlooked, and one that I wore on a much cooler day. I generally favour any nautical element when it comes to fashion and accessories, so it was my main source of inspiration–be it only for the colours or the feeling of seasonal change. 

For a quick outfit, I decided on a stonewash grey denim, a splash of colour, and a fun unexpected detail was a great choice, hence the fringe. This was a blend of modern and vintage style that worked for me, and since we’re having those in-between moments of climate change, it was a good Trans-seasonal look. 

I only had time for one good shot, the image above was taken by accident. But, I kept it in anyway because that’s life, accidents happen when the wind blows, and can make for an unintentional photo that works … it’s perfect for that “on-the-go” lifestyle.  

What’s one of your favourite trans-seasonal elements to wear? I am always attracted to leather jackets and blazers.  

The goods: Denim-Cheap Monday, Vintage Grazia 60s knit top-Fara 

charity shop, Bracelet-gifted, Fringe jacket-Giveaway win-c/o Oasap

Leather heeled loafers-BCBG, Handmade ‘Rock’ ring-DIY, Watch-iKen.

I am linking this post up with Jill from Doused in Pink.


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