Style Files // Pop of Berry

These style shots are long overdue, but I finally had a moment to upload them, and even found one reflecting a caught off guard moment. I wore this look on my day off, although I spent most of the day purchasing art supplies – an overall casual outfit is the result that I was after. 

I was so pleased to find time to acquire bundles of arts and crafting tools to replace some that needed an upgrade, and it made me feel like a little child in a candy store. My eyes were wide open as I browsed various art mediums, textured paints, diverse paper grades, and bristle brushes, just to name a few.  

It's been a long time since I've stretched canvas, so I peeked over in that aisle too, gathering necessary items for new projects, and other supplies on my "wanted" wish list.  

Time went by rapidly. I was easily in the art store for a good hour or two, or long enough to have missed several messages on my Smartphone, which for my fellow social tech-loving bloggers probably equals to a fair share of double taps on Instagram (per minute).

This look was simple and comfortable. Above all it was a style that I could transform from morning to late-afternoon. Not exactly from day to night, because I wanted to change into another outfit for a friend's birthday dinner later on that evening. But, you can never go wrong wearing (cotton) jersey, so I opted to wear bright pink allover. It's also a colour that I don't have a lot of on its own in my wardrobe, and one that I don't typically wear that often in solid, but think it's rather lovely and bold.

I decided to take this beaded and rhinestone embellished clutch with me for my night look as well. A little sparkle doesn't hurt anyone!

Is there a colour that you love, but hardly wear?

Note: You may have noticed the blog has gotten a much needed makeover. Please let me know if you have any problems commenting, etc. I am still tweaking a lot of other things, so everything should be completed within the next week.  


The goods: Beaded clutch in Silver-Walk Trendy c/o, Eyewear-Valentino, Leather flats-Target, Faux pearls-Costume shop, Jersey Dress-Monki, Striped cotton/polyamide leggings in Dark Hibiscus-c/o Gudrun Sjoden, Shoes-Charles David, Belt-Ladyofashion, Woven Tote-Old gift, Necklace/Pendant-Kendra Scott via Rocksbox.

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  • R.ChamberofBeauty says:

    Pink is really your color honey. Loved the dress and clutch. Kisses.

  • R.ChamberofBeauty says:

    Pink is really your color honey. Loved the dress and clutch. Kisses.

  • Elle Sees says:

    for some reason your comments aren't loading. finally got them to load today. whew! i love this color on you. love the blog makeover!

  • Coco says:

    Pink is your color Madison!! Fantastic! And the flowers, a dream!
    Coco et La vie en rose fashion blog - Valeria Arizzi

  • Elle Sees says:

    for some reason your comments aren&#39t loading. finally got them to load today. whew! i love this color on you. love the blog makeover!

  • Coco says:

    Pink is your color Madison!! Fantastic! And the flowers, a dream!
    Coco et La vie en rose fashion blog - Valeria Arizzi

  • Unknown says:

    Love the colorful of your look:). Pink contrasted to the green grass beautifully. Thank you for the wishes. I hope you have a lovely weekend:).


  • Unknown says:

    Love the colorful of your look:). Pink contrasted to the green grass beautifully. Thank you for the wishes. I hope you have a lovely weekend:).


  • Couture Carrie says:

    You look lovely!
    Happy weekend!


  • Jackie Harrison says:

    You look elegant and chic great clutch

  • Couture Carrie says:

    You look lovely!
    Happy weekend!


  • Jackie Harrison says:

    You look elegant and chic great clutch


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