Bells, Whistles, and Holiday Cheer

Happy New Year everyone! We had the most fantastic New Year's Eve, and as mentioned earlier it was a quieter one. I hope that you are ready for 2016. Here's to making this year a lot better than the last. I know that I've loads of new ventures under way, and even more goals to mark off. I am actually finishing/amending my monthly calendar now as I type -- and trying to squeeze in a couple extra spa/pampering moments for January and February. Here's a few key things that I wanted to share with you that I exercise in my lifestyle.

For Brighter Days

But, just as any month goes, I will simply continue to instil daily affirmations as well as set personal tasks and work related goals for myself. Having daily affirmations helps me to stay positive, especially during a chaotic day. My parents used to give my siblings and I booklets of ancient proverbs. I still have those. Nowadays, a family e-mail of encouragement and/or joyful nuggets of inspiration are sent. You've got to love technology!

The Monthly Splurge

Once a month I give myself a little splurge. This does not necessarily mean that the splurge is spending a lot of money on fashion, tech, or beauty, etc. My lifestyle can often be quite hectic, and sometimes the splurge is spending an extra hour in my favourite bookstore, buying a new nail colour, going all out at a fine dining restaurant with your bestie, or just getting a fantastic massage. Whatever is needed the most at that time, I try to make it happen.

On Being Grateful & Charitable

I've learnt at a very young age that you should be both grateful for each day, but also be giving. My parents are both some of the most charitable people I've ever known. It really does matter, and you can make a difference in someone's life in the smallest way. Sometimes, mere courtesy as a smile is all a person needs. Showing kindness is free and it can be the one act that day that can change a person's perception.

Maybe it's because I've moved around so much growing up, but I don't fancy amassing too much when it comes to unused pieces, be it with textiles, sewing notions, or garments. I generally wear everything that I own fashion-wise (even though I may not create a style posting of every piece), instead of my pieces collecting a lot of dust per se. But, everyone is different. To remedy hoarding unworn garments, I usually do an annual purge of items that I've not worn within the year or more, and donate to charity. Sometimes, I do a clothing sell/swap with friends, which is always loads of fun.

Although, there are several pieces that I may not wear constantly, such as special heirloom and vintage pieces even so, those are items that I know will perpetually be implemented in my wardrobe. Of course those are kept.

Here are some lasting snapshots of more holiday favourites. Do stay tuned, there's DIY's, recipes, and event décor inspiration coming soon.

 Above: one of many centrepieces for the table, Black & Gold: NYE outfit #2 for early dinner, A few travelling beauty favourites that I've been using. 

How was your Christmas holiday and New Year's Eve? 

 Above: Back from dinner & too stuffed for anything else other than champagne and these German spice biscuits, Toasting to the new year, A sneak-peak of some sustainable table linens, Cold weather wear: furry goodness around the neck with a new berry lipstick. 

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  • Rebecca says:

    You have wonderful ideas on how to make the new year better. I agree we all need a monthly splurge on doing something we love. Always makes me look forward to do something special.


  • Rebecca says:

    You have wonderful ideas on how to make the new year better. I agree we all need a monthly splurge on doing something we love. Always makes me look forward to do something special.


  • Jackie Harrison says:

    Happy New Year may it bring you joy and blessing loving the quotes.

  • Coco says:

    Buon anno! Happy new year! You are invited to join my fashion blogger LINK UP here >> Coco et La vie en rose fashion blog

  • Jackie Harrison says:

    Happy New Year may it bring you joy and blessing loving the quotes.

  • Coco says:

    Buon anno! Happy new year! You are invited to join my fashion blogger LINK UP here >> Coco et La vie en rose fashion blog


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