In Your Ear: Vol. 05

There is just so much music out in the world, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that each musician and/or singer-songwriter is gaining the recognition they deserve. These five artists below are not exactly new, but each one has been doing something quite different and brilliant with their music.

Some music, in my opinion should be listened to firstly with your eyes closed. I have found myself not favouring a particular song (occasionally) if I heard it at a chaotic time, a time when I was really hungry (don't ask me why that matters, but it does), or any other unusual time. Thus, only later becoming very fond of said song in the end. Of course, there are songs that can remedy almost any sombre mood or take the delightful mood to another calibre. But, here are some tracks to listen to … Twice! Perhaps, if even one of these artists brightens your day or broadens your (music) horizons into appreciating something a bit different, then it's worth my scribes.

1. Laura Mvula:

I will forgive you, but shame on you if you’ve never heard of Mvula, because you're missing out! It has been a long time coming for her fans (like me) who've long awaited the release of new music from her. However, one must first acknowledge the amount of beauty and crispness in this woman's unique voice alone to truly fully appreciate. Mvula always gives an amazing performance and has released the new track, "Overcome," featuring Nile Rodgers. You may also view the stunning video by clicking the image above. Do check it out!

2. SOHN 

Earlier last year, I really got into more of SOHN's music. I actually have no recollection of how I heard of his work first, but I'll just credit that from a weekend getaway—the song, "Red Lines" was on repeat during some of my travelling. Remember two years ago, I introduced you to Banks music here on the blog. If you like her, then you'll like SOHN (Christopher Taylor), as he's produced her tracks, "Alibi, and "Waiting Game," as well as Lana Del Rey's, "Ride." Taylor left Blighty for Vienna, Austria, where he's now based. The songwriter, producer, and musician continues to create amazing tracks, and hopefully more works like Tremors, and "Veto" are coming soon.

3. Luke Sital-Singh

It's a special treat when a singer has a distinct sound that you can hear so crisply without all of the dressings of an over-mastered audio production. British folk musician and singer-songwriter, Luke Sital-Singh is one of them. I first heard his music a couple years ago, and after we saw a live show I was hooked by his voice.

He has that unique quality in his voice that can be both, skin quivering and heartfelt. His pithy lyrics capture the essence of vulnerability, rawness, and pure emotion. Here's a few personal favourites by him, including "Dark," "Benediction," and "Nothing Stays the Same."

4. Júníus Meyvant 

I have yet to see Icelandic musician, Júníus Meyvant live, since I recently missed a show. But, a friend of mine first got me on to his music awhile back. His soothing voice on tracks like, "Neon Experience" and easy listening guitar riffs on "Hailslide" made me an immediate fan. I can only imagine the performance being even better in person. There are some songs with an evident soulful, jazz, and folk influence capped with a nod to 60s vibes, but he definitely makes it his own alongside the help of his supporting band, which includes two of his brothers amongst others. View the full KEXP performance here.

5. Tiggs da Author

I've been listening quite a lot to London-based Tanzanian singer-songwriter, Tiggs da Author and "Run" is one of his latest tracks. Shot in South Africa, the video also features Lady Leshurr. This upbeat song is full of energy and somewhat reminds me of family jam sessions from my childhood. Most everyone in my family played instruments, and/or could sing and there were plenty of memorable music infused weekends.

"Run" may very well give you thoughts of summertime. Whether those thoughts are of road trips, late-night dancing, or simply enjoying iced libations of your preference, well that's up to you!

*Images: Video stills via artist's Youtube and Facebook.

What new music have you been listening to? 

Other artists to be on the watch for:  Rosie Lowe (if you like Jessie Ware, then you'll like her, even though they are quite different). Check out Lowe's new single, "Woman," and musician, JP Cooper (if you like soul, folk, acoustic). 

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  • Couture Carrie says:

    Omg thanks for the intro to a bunch of new artists!


  • Jackie Harrison says:

    Interesting playlist and you are so right so many musician do not get recognition.

    • FASHION TALES says:

      Thanks so much! x

  • Couture Carrie says:

    Omg thanks for the intro to a bunch of new artists!


  • Jackie Harrison says:

    Interesting playlist and you are so right so many musician do not get recognition.

    • FASHION TALES says:

      Thanks so much! x


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