Tabletop Style: Easter

A few weeks ago, I was asked to create an elegant children's table for a Easter-themed birthday party for a friend's daughter. To be honest, those two words (children and elegant) do not exactly translate synonymously to me upon first thought. Initially, I had not contemplated creating a children's table this year at all, so it wasn't exactly on the top of my "to-do" list.

And, due to having mostly all fine china, I really had to scale back some original concepts and not over think the process. I haven't any children of my own, but I have taught art classes to children in the past, and I do have little cousins, nephews, and plenty of friends with children. I thought I'd stretch my creative tendencies to a niche I had unknown or at least one that I hadn't much proficiency in … yet.

I decided to simply give my friend some tips for her daughter's birthday theme. Afterward, she commissioned me to recreate the theme with extras that she had purchased. It gave me the idea of merging what we did for an inspirational Easter post. Additionally, I had been doing loads of baking and made lemon cupcakes and doughnuts (a healthier version: baked and with maca root and goat cheese buttercream), and coconut energy truffles with peanut butter and goji berries (more on those delicious recipes later). Here is the result, so I will let you savour these details.

The whole intention was to make her young teenage daughter feel like a grown-up whilst dining at the table. I used regal colours like gold and violet as base colours, then paired them with classic pastels. It would have been too easy to go with an abundance of bunny rabbits, instead, I used a bunny-eared headband to incorporate in my centrepiece. Then, I used the small party boxes that she had acquired for party favours. For the original party, I also added jewelled topiaries.

By matching the focussed colour (violet/purple) for the paper plates, this worked out well and, of course, with the no-fuss clean-up afterwards, it simplified everything. But, I blended both colourful glassware and golden chargers with the paper products so that the overall aesthetic did not look tawdry.


What do you think of this Easter tabletop style? 

Easter Tablescapes Decor

The goods: Etched Papaya glasses in Plum-c/o Gudrun Sjoden, French blue bottles (Similar), Bird cage (Similar), Bunny ears-Art store (Similar), Cutlery-Reed and Barton (Buy here), Chalkboard coasters used as place cards-(Similar).

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