In Seven Hours

After my return to the blog from a holiday, you may have noticed that I inadvertently had to take another week off last week. To my surprise, it was to get some work-related deadlines sorted.

It's good to be somewhat back! And, with much needed sleep, tasks completed, and a few spare moments set aside to enjoy little victories (and savour good food along the way) I was able to take a handful of snapshots. Sadly, the best moments weren't actually captured via my mobile or camera. Perhaps, that's what makes me so well-rested and not pressured at present.

A couple of co-workers and I had a disastrous flight situation that left us with massive layovers. We were re-routed, and everything resulted in us having many hours to kill in the airport. Instead of staying in the airport, we decided to enjoy the city streets in record time.

I bought loads of magazines and artwork that I wouldn't get typically (will show the artwork at a later date), and met two new artists along the way, which was nice. Spontaneity is wonderful when everyone you're with is in accord. So, Berlin and New Orleans were like sprints. All I can say is, "thank goodness!" for Uber and mobile travel apps!

Here are some visual snippets from my time away ...

After work was finished, I also managed to recycle and revamp several pieces into craft projects, which if you are following the blog via the App, then you've already seen an exclusive preview last week.

Above: A paintbrush holder made from these containers, and wooden crown cut outs were spray painted and adhered together. Then, I added a jewelled rhinestone for a simple, yet effective dash of glam. I've had these wooden crowns forever, which were in a penny bin at an art sale that I picked up. Now, they are useful!

What have you been up to lately?

Above: Some of my own artwork that I drew in graphite, Other images: visits from random restaurants, Cafes, Homemade tofu burger that I made, On the road via Uber, Berlin sky, Vegan breakfast, DIY prep & crafting, Magazines and accessories, Café du Monde moments with Beignets, and New Adidas workout gear.

*Lastly, thanks to everyone who participated in the menswear giveaway. Congrats to the winner, JR Reynolds, please look out for an email from me soon. 

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  • Fashionably Idu says:

    Uber is amazing. Welcome back and glad you're rested and ready to get cranking on blogging. Awesome artwork.

  • Fashionably Idu says:

    Uber is amazing. Welcome back and glad you&#39re rested and ready to get cranking on blogging. Awesome artwork.

  • Coco says:

    What an adventure, everything happens for a reason! Gorgeous DIY! Baci, Valeria - Coco et La vie en rose NEW FASHION POST

    • FASHION TALES says:

      Thanks so much! x/Madison

  • Coco says:

    What an adventure, everything happens for a reason! Gorgeous DIY! Baci, Valeria - Coco et La vie en rose NEW FASHION POST

    • FASHION TALES says:

      Thanks so much! x/Madison


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