DIY: Affordable and Time Saving Jewellery Tray

Over the past two weeks, I have given you a few tutorials on fun home décor transformations and party themed projects. Now, this project below is quick, simple and will have you wanting to go out to buy a frame to get started. You can even use an older large frame that you already have in your possession.

I have jewellery boxes for fine jewellery pieces, but I have wanted to create a way to display fashion jewellery and those extra ring trays that I have not used lately, so I decided to create a framed jewellery tray. Remember my mason jar project? Well, this DIY blends that same ease of crafting with a little sophistication and an old aesthetic.

Here's how to create a quick luxe jewellery tray:

What you’ll need:

1 Large picture frame (in any scale of preference)

1 Krylon “Looking Glass“ paint

1 Lint-free cloth/microfibre, for cleaning glass

Newspaper work surface

3-4 Sewing pins/straight pins-(optional)

Metallic brass or gold, and black paint pens-(optional)

1:1 water & vinegar ratio in a spray bottle or on a lightweight sponge-(optional)

Paper towel (to dab water/vinegar mixture, if used)-(optional)

FASHION TALES - diy mirror effect


  1. Firstly, I used an empty pale gold patterned frame that I applied brass paint to with metallic pens beforehand. After it dries, carefully remove the glass panel from the frame, and set the glass aside on a newsprint/paper lined working surface. 
  2. Clean glass thoroughly with a lint-free cloth. 
  3. To achieve a more rustic look, place 2-4 pins on top of the back side of the glass before painting. I placed 3 pins scattered in the corners of my glass and a 1 or 2 on the middle areas of the glass. *You may also use the edges of toothpicks instead of pins, laying them on the glass surface if you prefer or nothing at all.
  4. Next, start spraying the first coat of mirrored paint (according to the instructions on the spray can) spraying directly on the back side of the glass and over the placed pins. Repeat this step for the second and third coat of paint. *Remember, you are only spraying one side of the glass.
  5. Let glass dry. Afterwards, remove pins if any were used, then carefully set the glass panel inside of the frame (with the mirror-like side facing toward the front of the frame. Enclose the frame and use as a jewellery tray or wall art décor.

Extra: I also used metallic paint pens to roughly fill in areas that I felt needed more paint in some of the frame's bevelled edges (see detailed image above). You can embellish this tray in various ways, such as using several sequins pieces and glueing them atop the painted glass.

FASHION TALES - DIY painted jewellery tray

Note: You may use a spray bottle or cloth (with a 1:1 water/vinegar ratio in-between each coat of spray paint, (as mentioned here) if you prefer, however, it is not necessary) since this is a smoother antique finish. When I did this project, it was rather windy outdoors which helped with achieving the ageing on the glass.

What do you think of my framed DIY jewellery Tray? 


The mirrored effect works on any clear glass that you want mirrored. Voilà!  The results are priceless.

I hope now you are inspired to do some of these lovely DIYs. Have a great weekend!

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  • Coco says:

    Such an inspiring DIY project! Baci, Valeria - Coco et La vie en rose FASHION & BEAUTY

  • Coco says:

    Such an inspiring DIY project! Baci, Valeria - Coco et La vie en rose FASHION & BEAUTY

  • Jalisa says:

    It turned out beautiful, I love the idea! This reminds me of something my Nana had years ago when I was a little girl. Would you believe I had the chance to take her antique pieces when she passed, but instead I took her pencils and pens for school? Lol! I was 8 or 9, but I remember how silly that was, so typical of a kid though, lol! My dad has a bunch of things in the basemebrt, I'll have to see if he somehow kept it throughout the years. If not, I'll have to use this awesome and simple technique you've shared here! I hope you're having the best start to your week so far, beauty!



  • Jalisa says:

    It turned out beautiful, I love the idea! This reminds me of something my Nana had years ago when I was a little girl. Would you believe I had the chance to take her antique pieces when she passed, but instead I took her pencils and pens for school? Lol! I was 8 or 9, but I remember how silly that was, so typical of a kid though, lol! My dad has a bunch of things in the basemebrt, I&#39ll have to see if he somehow kept it throughout the years. If not, I&#39ll have to use this awesome and simple technique you&#39ve shared here! I hope you&#39re having the best start to your week so far, beauty!



  • Unknown says:

    Such a cute idea, I love antiques and timeless pieces.
    Thanks for sharing,
    Jaz xoxo

    • FASHION TALES says:

      Thank you!

  • Unknown says:

    Such a cute idea, I love antiques and timeless pieces.
    Thanks for sharing,
    Jaz xoxo

    • FASHION TALES says:

      Thank you!


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