DIY Box O'Luck

After a business conference and a much-needed rest, due to feeling burnt out, I am back with this little DIY.  I shall be making my way to catch up on blogs this week.

As promised, this year I am showcasing more familial areas and what better way to continue than with textured craft boxes! 

St. Paddy's Day will soon arrive and I am excited because this year I will actually be able to celebrate it with my father. Last year, I had a group of friends in town and made delicious soda bread with a slight unconventional tweak. If you've been following my blog for awhile then you know that I grew up in a very multicultural family, and although food-wise I am typically influenced often by my mum's side, my father's heritage has also inspired parts of my life (albeit indirectly). 

My father's family emigrated to Germany from Nortern Ireland, so that's why I grew up knowing some German, and even though other family still lived in German-speaking areas, such as Switzerland, Germany, etc., they were originally from N. Ireland so I grew up also celebrating St. Patrick's Day. It was slightly diggerent than how most people in the States celebrate it. But now, it's a massive celebration and a lot of fun to celebrate many ways with friends all over the globe. 

Stay tuned for exciting food and décor inspiration but for now, enjoy this DIY.


4-6 Cardboard boxes or 4-leaf clover containers 

Emerald green glitter paint


Metallic gold spray paint

Plastic bag or newsprint lined surface

Plastic gloves

Tape, to hold plastic or newsprint down-(optional)

DIY Lucky charm boxes for St Patrick's Day
DIY boxes for St. Paddy's

*Painting the boxes is like icing a cake! You'll have a lot of fun doing it.


  1. On a lined surface in an open area, place boxes atop the surface, dispersed at least 8cm apart from each other.
  2. Spray metallic gold paint on each box, slightly turning the box as you spray and making certain to cover the sides, and top of the box. Do this one box at a time. Let all boxes dry, according to the directions on the spray paint bottle.
  3. Next, squeeze out or scoop out a generous mount of glitter green paint on the centre of the box top, and start spreading the paint in a circular motion to cover the too of the box with the glitter paint (not the sides of the box). The paint should look translucent overall, but you may need to add more paint in order to properly cover the box top with a thick layer. 
  4. *Optional Tip: To make faux leaf lines, as you apply the paint, use the paintbrush to draw lines in a diagonal or cross motion in random areas of box. Then, use excess paint from the brush-end by placing the brush-end on the top edge of the box and wiping the paint atop the box. Now, use small circular motions to dab and release the brush. (See the effect via images). Repeat this step for each box.
  5. Let the boxes dry overnight.
  6. Add jewelled stickers or gemstones to the boxes if you prefer. That's it!

Use these boxes as trinket boxes or party favours (which is what I will be using them for.) Otherwise, these would make great storage for small desk pieces (paper clips, USB, binder clips, etc.)

DIY Lucky charm boxes

What do you think of this DIY? 

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  • Emmylou says:

    These boxes turned out great, Madison! We don't really celebrate St. Paddy's Day at home but the kiddos do in school. And I never knew that you have Irish blood in you! Have always thought you're part German!

    • FASHION TALES says:

      Thanks so much, Emmy! Yes, Irish from my father. 🙂 Have a great week!

  • Emmylou says:

    These boxes turned out great, Madison! We don&#39t really celebrate St. Paddy&#39s Day at home but the kiddos do in school. And I never knew that you have Irish blood in you! Have always thought you&#39re part German!

    • FASHION TALES says:

      Thanks so much, Emmy! Yes, Irish from my father. 🙂 Have a great week!

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