Marbled: A Clockwork Gold

Welcome to Volume Two of the 'So Anthro' series. This design revamp was done almost instantly after my marble trays because I've been on an obsessive marble high. I have always loved marble because my mum had it in her kitchen but only recently have I been wanting to create pieces of marble or rose gold, copper, and everything similarly in that arena regarding décor.

marble title that reads marble minimalist

For Kubrick fans, I have obviously seen A Clockwork Orange a few times and the film was playing when I was working on this project, so there goes the title inspiration. Now, let's get to the main attraction à la “So Anthro” décor revamp!


The inspiration was simple. I have extra wall clocks in a box from my last place. I don't use these wall clocks because I have a lovely set that goes with my current décor aesthetic. However, this style revamp will make your home visitors give your wall décor double takes, eye rolling side-eyes (wishing they had a similar one), or slow motion dance moves. Scroll down to be inspired.

Continuing my unwavering love for seeking new pieces for the home, I stumbled across marble details with a friend back in January. There are other times when I’m shopping with a friend or client and we see items that make us gasp in unison, then others that make us laugh, price-wise. A particular marble wall clock was one of them but who wants a heavy piece of marble on the wall? I didn't see one at Anthropologie when we were there but I thought this craft was suitable for this series due to the polished and sophisticated end result.

When a co-worker friend asked me to come up with ways that her daughter could dress up her new flat. One of the projects that I had been wanting to do for awhile was a clock makeover. I used the rest of my marble vinyl for this DIY, then I made another with granite and silver framing. All you will need is a wall clock to start. View the upgrade below and read on for the tutorial!

a collage of images upper left a clock, followed by upper right zoomed in on clock and bottom three images from left to right are as follows: tools needed to complete DIY, clock faces painted copper, and clock hands and faces being put back on by hand


  • 1 wall clock
  • Marble printed vinyl (contact paper)
  • Scissors
  • Awl or flat knife
  • 1 Blank card stock sheet
  • Thumbtack to mark centre
  • Pencil
  • Metallic spray paint (copper or gold)
  • Sealant/clear finishing spray- (Optional)
  • Ruler-(Optional)
  • Open air flat newsprint lined working space

Aloe vera plant in bottom right corner, and copper pained clock in upper right mounted on the wall

Now, you have an elegant wall clock that costs … well, not even a tenner!

After I finished my clock makeover, I placed it back in the box to visualise how it would look as if it were packaged in a store.  I am proud of this revamp and really liked the finished results! Next up, is a fun little project dealing with formations from Mother Nature. Stay tuned, lovelies.

collage of four images all showing copper painted clock mounted on wall and with marble background for clock Tutorial title imageMarble DIY clock finished with copper painted and back of clock shown to put batteries in

What do you think of my wall clock upgrade?

Copper painted clock with copper face/hands

See it here first! // This is an original DIY by Madison, FASHION TALES. 

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