So Anthro: DIY Wall Art

Welcome to the third chapter of the "So Anthro" series. This time, I decided to create vintage hanging frames but with retro styling and nature's elements. 

I found some vintage style frames (I'd suggest to look in charity shops or antique stores) to use for this craft. This is not exactly as the Anthropologie version but it certainly has the similar aesthetic, in my opinion. My version will cost you far less without compromising on style and quality. 

To fill my frames, I wanted to use elements that I already had: leaves, silk flowers, vintage photos, jewellery embellishments, and paper flowers. 

Get Inspired and view the tutorial below:


  • 2 double-glass frames
  • 2-4 Photos
  • 2-4 Silk sprays, cut small or use individual paper flowers
  • 1-2 gold flat stud or gold paper
  • 2 Single palm leaves or silk leaves
  • 1-2 brooch or small jewellery pieces
  • Velcro adhesive (with hook & loop), cut in small strips
  • Clear glue-(Optional)
  • Tape-(Optional)


  1. Open the glass photo frame and position the vintage photos or image elements that you want to be enclosed in the frame. Once the photos are to your liking you can place a small amount of glue overlapping them from the back (so that it is not visible on the front side) to hold pictures in place. If you don't want to use glue, then add a small piece of tape to secure photos in place. 
  2. Next, use a strip of cut velcro adhesive on the back of the photo and 1 small piece of velcro adhesive placed on the inner side of the glass in the position where you want the photo. Then press to attach the pieces. They will stay in place. 
  3. Next, add a leaf, the jewellery pieces and/or a flower inside of the glass frame with the photo(s).
  4. Close the frame carefully and be certain the inside elements are pressed against the glass securely. Stand the frame up to test that the pieces stay in position. Adjust accordingly.
  5. Now, you have an enclosed piece of wall art. Next, use the attached chain from the frame backing (or sometimes vintage frames come with leather. If it's leather, then use that) to hang your wall art. If you have another frame repeat steps above.
  6. Lastly, have fun with it! Enclose your favourite poem or special quotes that are dear to you. 

Tip: 3M velcro strips, cut in half will work well for step two.

*Tip: If you don't have vintage glass frames, that's okay! Alternatively, you may use two regular photo frames by removing the back side of the frame completely, and merely add glue to secure the glass in place. Repeat the step with the second frame (removing the back and securing glass inset), then insert your photo pieces to fill the frame by glueing them to the inside of the second frame. 

Place glue on the inside of the first frame and lay it on top of the second frame to sandwich pieces, and enclose them together. Press firmly and set aside to dry. Now, you have a shadow box style frame with glass on both sides! Lastly, add a piece of leather or twine attached to the frame at centre back to hang on the wall. 

What do you think of my vintage copper frames and DIY wall art?

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