A Bling Thing

This is a collaboratively written post.

Jewellery has been worn for thousands of years to embody power, enhance outfits and generally beautify oneself. A lot of history shows us that jewellery was used as a statement piece to show off wealth and while trends come and go, there is one thing that has stayed current: people are like magpies. We adore fine jewellery and we adore accessorising our outfits with charming pieces of shiny bling.

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Accessorising a regular outfit with jewellery can take a look from the boardroom to the catwalk, all with one piece. Sounds dramatic, doesn’t it? A little frosting with an outfit can make the difference between the way people perceive you and the way that you carry yourself. You want to attract positive attention, and while sometimes less is more, that’s not always the case. If you wear just a 77 Diamonds engagement ring, there’s no doubt that you’ll catch someone’s eye. However, you sometimes need a little more than that to make an outfit stand out and give yourself an instant makeover.

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Everyday Jewellery: Costume jewellery and faux gems are perfect for everyday wear. You want to look beautiful without wearing thousands of dollars of bling on your body and this can be easily done with stud earrings and a simple wristwatch. With the birth of the smartphone, wrist watches aren’t seen as often anymore, so make it a beautiful one like this to stand out.

Office Styles: Office bling is usually less bling and more conservative. You want to highlight yourself as an individual while still pertaining office rules. Some formal offices prefer minimal pieces if any at all, as they expect you to wear suits and heels daily. Other offices, such as creative ones, don’t mind you wearing noisy layered bling that draws attention.

Formal Jewels: This is the bling that is all about elegance. Large gem pieces, real pearl necklaces and diamond earrings do not go amiss at a formal event and you can dress up the perfect cocktail dress with a simple set of dangly earrings. You don’t have to go too big or too much with a formal event. Statement pieces are perfect for an event.

Party Pieces: This is where you can save your silver skulls and blingy bangles. Parties are the place to attract attention and so you need to think of how your jewelry will fit your outfit and make it pop. Don’t overdo it, though, as you want people to notice you and not just your shiny fingers and ears!

Jewellery doesn’t have to be too out there or too vintage to attract attention. If you are glistening as you walk or wearing a particularly noticeable piece of jewellery, you’re going to be a conversation piece. Rings, bracelets, necklaces and earrings are all common pieces that are worn daily by women everywhere. Invest in a little knowledge and you can instantly upgrade any outfit that you want to wear. Use your bling to update your look!

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