Wedding Guide: Creating An Extravaganza

Confetti flying over the attendees of a concert at Dockville Festival

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For most people, one of their key wedding planning objectives will be memorability. To start, you will want to have a fresh recollection of this event for decades to come, giving you something to enjoy when you’re much older. Additionally, you also have to think about your guests, and what they remember from your big day. To help you out, this post will be exploring some of the best ways to make your wedding turn into a spectacular event.

  • 1. SizeDeciding whether or not to have a big wedding is something a lot of people struggle with. Using this website here, couple with your Facebook friends, you should be able to host as many people as you like. Of course, they won’t all be close friends, but it will still be very exciting to read your vows in front of one thousand people. That, indeed will well and truly solidify your memory of the big day.
  • 2. Entertainment: Typically, wedding entertainment is reserved for a single musician, either playing acoustic music or DJing with other artist‘s tunes. Although this is a great way to keep people moving, having a band would have a lot more impact. Along with music, you could seek other ideas for this part of the wedding; remember to consider the things you enjoy the most already.
  • 3. Food & DrinkNext, it’s time to think about the one area in this event which all of your guests will be involved in. Nowadays, more and more weddings are featuring buffets as their food option, as it doesn’t cost more than a set menu, but will give your guests some choice. Along with a lot of food, the drinks you serve will also make a big difference. Renting a small bar is a nice and inexpensive idea—a lot of venues may actually already have something you can use.
  • 4. Location: There are loads of places to choose from when you’re selecting where to go for your big day. In most cases, it’s best to look for a venue that has important elements to you as a couple. Whether it is in the town where you two met, or somewhere which falls in line with your religious beliefs, there are loads of different places that can hit different demographics. Just find the right one for you!

Planning a wedding is a lot like normal event management. There will always be loads of jobs, and they won’t stop until the day is over. Of course, you shouldn’t have to spend this time worried about the future or the work you’ll have to do in it, as it will be dwarfed by the fun that you’ll also have on your special day. It can be very easy to assume that going bigger with your event will make it feel lifeless and without class. In reality, this can be one of the best ways to keep the memory of your event alive, whilst making it as enjoyable as possible.

This is a collaboratively written post.

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