Hello, lovelies! I am finally back and I hope that everyone had a marvellous and happy Christmas holiday. Mine was quite different than we had planned, as I found out several days before my Christmas break that my maternal grandmother passed away. She was ill for a little while so it wasn’t sudden but still awfully difficult to go through during the holidays. I took a much-needed break away from everything online and had to travel to help my mum get through as best as she could.
There’s nothing more stressful than travelling to the airport during the holiday season—fortunately, we did not have any flight delays and we were able to coordinate ticket changes without an obscene amount of hassle (which never happens). I still have another week for my time off from work but it’s been therapeutic to get back to the blog because with the added stress of situations like this is never easy.
Despite our unexpected Christmas, I actually had a wonderful holiday overall and left with the positive. I got a chance to see close friends and family, and cousins that I had not seen since I was very young. It was more of a season of celebration of her life and everyone gathering together.
We just got back and opened Christmas gifts today and decided to cancel our New Year's travel plans because, to be honest, I just need rest. It will be an enjoyable, yet low-key celebration. What are your goals for the new year?
On a much lighter note, if you missed it, FASHION TALES turned 9 years young. I didn’t get a moment to share a proper post about it but I’ve some great things in store for 2019 and I cannot wait to share some of them with you in the near future.
Here are a few snapshots of inspiration, words of wisdom, quotes from me and others. This is my last post until the second week of January. All the best to all of you that came to visit my space here this year and to my dedicated followers, I especially wanted to say, “thank-you for your continued support.”
Wishing you all a very healthy, prosperous and fulfilling 2019. Happy New Year!