A Foodie's Welcome to Summer

To take your minds off of, well, everything — even for a moment — let’s get a little enthused about grilling season. The summer effect of the outdoors is upon us and whether you love to cook or not, we all are quite suited to partake in the sport of eating. 

There’s nothing better in the summertime, to me than the flavours that the outdoors provides. It is a season when Mother Nature gives a high-five to the wind and gently kisses the flames of the grill. What’s more, it's only just the beginning. Now, as we look ahead and properly step into the transition in seasons if you haven’t celebrated yet (greetings of midsummer, summer solstice), now is your chance! How, you might ask? With good food, of course!  

Intro image of lamb leg on wooden board

In partnership with our friends at

I’ve made a diverse spread to get you inspired for summer dining be it al fresco or inside the comforts of your home. Even in quarantine, cooking can be fun, and entertaining typically takes a back seat but it doesn’t have to.  

Wherever you are, or wherever you will be in the coming months, my hope is that you will be able to make a summer feast as best as you can. It doesn’t matter if it’s for a party of two or more, I believe that life should be enjoyed daily, most especially on the weekend. 

Sunday roast was always a huge feast, to say the least, growing up and it was the memories of “Sunday dinner” that stayed with me the most. Although there was nothing generally casual about it, these days, I do like to have a more laidback supper when it comes to summer entertaining.  

Fortunately, I have inspiration for you — I created a simplified charcuterie board and a succulent lamb roast with a zingy rub of mainly Ethiopian, Indonesian and Persian spices. It’s a complex blend that results in a harmoniously flavourful punch in the palate. The lamb is slow-cooked and pulls apart easily for future barbecue and slices well for potential sandwiches. Indeed, it was a feast to tuck in.  

Charcuterie Graze Boards  for summer with cheeses, nuts, and grapes and smoked salmon

This walnut signature board will allow you to get away with not having a full tablescape at all. 

Even if you aren't keen on entertaining, you may want to give this particular Maple board a try instead, because it has a smooth ball-bearing 360-degree swivel that can make your movie nights snacks fun to eat (even more exciting for entertaining with children). No more asking to pass this or that, simply rotate the board yourself. This Lazy Susan is an edge-grain constructed board in maple; the varnique finish looks radiant and actually gives an elegance to the board itself. 

Almonds and cheeses on wooden board

These boards are already known for their quality and versatility, amongst other benefits. With Covid-19 still in effect, you’ll be pleased to also know that in a new study, Boos Boards created an antimicrobial, hydrophobic surface, reducing their surface bacteria to a clean level just in three hours with the application of NSF Boos Block Mystery Oil and Board Cream. View more about it here. 

Also, take a look at my quick guide to creating a simple charcuterie board below. If you need more inspiration, view my modern veggie charcuterie board here.

Lamb on a dark wooden board

Smoked salmon and cheeses on block

How To Use John Boos Butcher Blocks

Tell me, are you excited about summer eating or cooking?

Which board would accommodate you?

How To Create a Summer Charcuterie

Meat and John Boos Cutting boards in a collage of three images

The goods: Walnut Signature Board w/Stainless Steel Accents, and Thick Hard Maple Edge Grain Construction w/Varnique Finish-Courtesy of John Boos & Co., a FASHION TALES media blog partner.  

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