How To Look Like An Off-Duty Model

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Most women like to explore the fashion possibilities, using a range of accessories to complement their outfits, and in this article, we will offer you a few tips on how to nail that off-duty model look. The sultry cool look is one that many women try to create, and with that in mind, here are a few outfit ideas to give you that ‘model downtime’ appearance.

 1. Cover-Up - Models show their body for a living, and while that involves dressing up at various venues, unless they are going to a party, they always dress down, or cover-up when out on a mission. Put your hair up in a beanie, as this will really fool the paparazzi, and if it is cold, wear a large fur coat, a pair of Ugg boots and your dark sunglasses!



2. The Right Shades - Whether recovering from that wild all-night party or just wishing to have a coffee without being recognised, the top model simply must wear dark sunglasses. Check out the Humps Optics exclusive most popular womens sunglasses that come in a wide range of styles, with either mirror lenses or very dark, you will manage to keep your identity a secret. Prices are so low you can buy a few pairs for various looks, and these designer shades are virtually unbreakable.

3. Leggings - A pair of print leggings would be ideal, as showing skin is strictly off the menu, while tracksuit bottoms are fine, the loose-fitting type with the tie ankles and a pair of sneakers (Nike of course). Avoid denim, as this rugged fabric is usually associated with work as far as the model is concerned, plus it isn’t the most comfortable of fabrics.

4. Loose Clothing - Outside of work, you’re a modest girl, and therefore, you avoid anything that hugs your figure. An oversize sweater would be ideal for a chilly autumn morning, with a beanie to hide your curls and your mirrored sunglasses to finish the look. 

5. Nails -  A supermodel might be ‘scruffy’ when incognito, but her nails are always impeccable, so do have them done if you are planning a social event to make an impression.

6. Jewellery - It's fine to wear stud earrings, perhaps jade or amber, and a silver charm bracelet would be fitting, but don’t overdo the glitzy accessories, as you are not trying to draw attention to yourself.


The one item that you simply can’t do without is the dark sunglasses, and with the online designer sunglasses supplier, you can acquire hi-end shades for around fifty-dollars, so you could order a few pairs to cover every eventuality. If you would like some inspiration, Google images of ‘famous women’ and see paparazzi shots of them going about their daily lives, and despite their many attempts at blending in with the background, famous women usually do get spotted. 

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