[Wellness] Staples & DIYs for Health

There are essential herbs and spices to keep in the larder, and then there are special herb blends that are set aside specifically for seasonal situations like allergies and immune health. At least, this is the case for my household. Due to having severe allergies, I’ve had to be mindful about over-the-counter remedies early on, and turn to more holistic ways to remedy whatever ailments would arise. 

I am sharing a few flower and herb oils that I believe every home should have whether it be using the actual concentrated oil or in dried form. These powerful beauties have natural healing properties that come straight from the earth... that’s how it should be. 

Below are quite easy DIYs but very effective for everyday living — home cleansing routines — to help your health and wellness journey. This guide is part two from my previous post to help and inspire you.

DoTerra essential oils


Ocimum basilicum 

Basil has a spicy and herbaceous scent and with its high percentage of linalool, basil aids in stress relief, and supports the nervous system.1 In my family, we use it in cooking and make herbal tea using ancient herbs such as oregano and rosemaryHowever, in recent years, I have put my own twist on this tea.  

Tip: Family Herbal Tea: I serve the tea using the dried herbs of basil, oregano, and rosemary with the juice of a lemon and stevia, steeped in boiling hot water. Use whatever your preferred sweetener is, maple syrup, honey, etc. I have to use an alternative so that is why I used stevia in granular form. As aromatherapy, you can diffuse it or do a steam bath with a towel over your head to inhale it breathing in, or just simply use it in your diffuser normally.

You will need to let it steep for about four minutes, before drinking. Drink this within five to ten minutes, and use it as a natural immunity-boosting and antiviral tea. It’s very herbaceous and takes getting used to if you are not used to drinking herbal teas. If I have a cold or if my chest is congested, I will drink it twice a day and add a dash of cinnamon, if I am not making soup instead. 

Rose petals in a white bowl


Lavandula angustifolia 

I’ve talked about lavender quite a lot but here are a few unconventional uses that I like to use lavender for. Aside from helping with sleep and relaxation, lavender can aid in hair growth, and asthmatic symptoms as well as help with pain and skin blemishes. I usually add rose petals to some of my homemade tea blends.    

Tip: Lavender Spray (for skin and hair): If it’s a hot summer day and I am going to be outdoors longer than normal, then I will swap the rosewater spray and make a lavender spray instead. I generally keep it chilled in my little [beauty] refrigerator. All you will need is a few drops added to distilled water. Give it a try! No bugs will bother you either, as it’s a natural insect repellent and your skin will be calm in the heat. 

Calendula and bath salts in jar

Above: My DIY calendula and chamomile blends.

Roman Chamomile  

Anthemis nobilis 

I’ve talked about chamomile before, specifically Roman chamomile and that is because since summer is here that means allergy season is upon us. Chamomile’s anti-inflammatory properties soothe the skin as well as naturally tone it without stripping away moisture or harming it. I have the flowers and have dried them for many uses, especially for baths, or to soothe my skin. 

*Tip: For Sensitive Skin:  In a small container, gently steep the flower buds (dried) as you would a cup of tea, and chill the drained liquid in the refrigerator. Remove from the refrigerator and add a couple drops of bergamot essential oil, then saturate cotton pads or full wipes as needed to dab on sensitive skin, or use as a gentle toning liquid. Chamomile tea at night will relax your body immediately, so of course,  your skin will love it, too. *If you use thick facial wipes or cloth, you can actually keep it in a storage container in the refrigerator to use when you need it. 

For centuries Roman chamomile has been used to calm and heal the body, just as blue tansy, chamomile has azulene which also has a calming effect. Use it to alleviate muscle spasms, soothe wounds, or reduce inflammation.2  It has a naturally floral and sweet aroma that is mild, but in my opinion, more fragrant when dried.

*Tip: Chamomile Elixir: Steep chamomile flower buds (dried) in hot water for a few minutes, then immediately chill in the refrigerator. When you are ready to drink it, add your sweetener of choice. Squeeze the juice of one lemon wedge to divide between two mugs. Enjoy!

Bowl with Epsom salts being poured in

Petal Essential Collection - Diffuser 

It is important to have a humidifier in my living space. I also love it when my diffuser works just as well with a stylish design. The Petal diffuser is compact and polished and comes with 5 mls of lavender and wild orange essential oils.  

It diffuses well and it’s quiet. If you are trying to save space, then you will like this compact design. It has a fine misting setting that reaches up to 330 sq. Ft., with two to six-hour continuous diffusing and 12-hour intermittent settings. 

Have you tried any of these unconventional uses?  

DoTerra diffuser

The goodsHome diffuser kit and essential oils provided by dōTERRA, a FASHION TALES blog media partner. As always, all content and opinions are honestly expressed and my own. These are suggested benefits for essential oils. If pregnant or nursing, consult your physician before using. 1,2*Read more information about these oils here. 

3 essential oils to love

Remember, essential oils are highly concentrated, and not to be internally, especially in high doses without proper research and an experienced herbalist, or consent from a physician. It is important to understand alternative methods and holistic healing elements are not for everyone but are natural ways of promoting health and wellness. 

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