Indoor Garden [Véritable Garden]

This year, I planned to keep our garden plentiful in variety as we hoped for an abundant harvest, but maintaining any allotment whether large or small does not come without its own scroll of time-consuming tasks. 

If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen my Stories this past summer sharing our garden area, our harvests, and fruit and veg projects. Thankfully, we have done well and added a lot of aubergine and cabbage to our garden. 

Veritable Garden Indoor Garden

In partnership with our friends at

Here’s another element that we added to our indoor herbal garden; a space-saving container by Véritable® Garden. 

Véritable® Garden is a brand hailing from France, with the brilliant notion of pairing modern high-tech with the traditional concept of growth for the everyday consumer. The design, manufacturing, and assembly of all the products are done in France.  

I recently used their CONNECT Véritable® garden, an easy way to follow the development of your plants at home with LED technology. The garden container comes with two lighting poles that adjust independently to adapt to various plant sizes and growth speeds. There are four slots to plant herbs or anything you prefer.  

The LED technology allows the parameters to be more controlled for optimal performance (for humidity, PH, roots aeration, nutrients concentration spacing between seed, and depth). CONNECT Véritable® garden also syncs with WIFI connection, you just plug the container in an outlet and you have the option of using a timed schedule for watering.  

Veritable Connect Garden images


How it Works: 

There are over 30 different varieties of plants, including aromatic herbs, edible flowers, baby greens, and more; using Lingot® technology. Lingot® patent-pending technology allows the grower to simply add a pre-potted slot of seeds into rectangular pods, which fit securely into the empty pod sections of the Véritable® Garden. The water tank is below it and holds three weeks' worth of water. 

I started with the petunia, and courgette blossom, thyme, and parsley Lingot® pods. At first, it was a slow start but with a little faith, the other plants started to grow rapidly. If you saw my IG Stories this past summer, then you know that we grew a lot of courgette blossoms from my outdoor garden.  


The blossoms in the Véritable® Garden were different and sans the actual courgette, it was easier — just simply the beautiful blooming blossoms without the allergies in the air and garden bugs. I was quite happy with the harvest, albeit the blossoms were much smaller than my garden, and a few were decidedly smaller than the examples on the Véritable® site. 

Courgette Squash Blossoms 


*Eco-designed packaging, the product is recyclable, and it saves energy in the home due to using the LED technology, and the refills are 100% biodegradable, comes with four Lingot plants. 

Don't worry, if you aren’t an advanced garden enthusiast, the CONNECT Véritable® garden is perfect for you because it pairs with Bluetooth technology, letting you know when more water is needed in the container, and when it’s time to harvest your plants. You don’t need natural light for your plants to grow, you can place the garden in a dark room and they will still thrive.  

You can also see the growth progress on your mobile device, and modify the performance settings for lighting based on your schedule. It will still self-water your plants when you are away.

Indoor garden system with flowers

The Verdict: 

Does this take the place of my actual garden allotment outside, not at all. However, I do think an indoor kitchen garden, especially for herbs that you regularly use is an ideal option. An indoor garden is definitely ideal for novice growers.  

I also believe in growing my own produce for the most part and have done so for some time. With the exception of a few local fruits and eggs from farms, I’ve been able to grow almost all of our produce. 

Overall, in my opinion, if you have a small home space this is an excellent way to grow some relatively staple herbs and garden blooms for culinary use and home use. I’m pretty excited to grow purple basil, Hyssop, Komatsuna, and fennel next! 


What do you think of Véritable® garden? What would you grow in this home garden? 

Veritable french garden

Indoor Garden system

The goods CONNECT Véritable® garden-Courtesy of Véritable® Garden, a FASHION TALES media blog partner. *All content and opinions are honestly expressed and are my own. Sponsor and affiliate links are within this post. View privacy policy. 

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