Wellness Check-In: Botanical Skincare Tips

I constantly get asked questions about wellness, DIYs, and essential oils, so I thought I'd share even more about it this year, perhaps with more routine rituals, etc.  

Here, I will talk about ancient essential oils that are particularly amazing and beneficial to your health; Roman Chamomile, Grapefruit, and Wild Orange. Beyond the ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’ approach, let’s dive into a few other elements about these botanical and citrus oils to note. 

essential oils benefits


Cheerful Elevation 

As with citrus scents, the scent of orange, in particular, is very special, as I mentioned a couple years ago, dōTERRA's neroli is one of my favourites. Clinical scientific studies have shown that even having the ambient aroma of orange improved one's mood and reduced anxiety with both male and female patients, especially with females to have an elevation of calm.1 

Therefore being exposed to orange odours alone will have a relaxing effect on the mind and body. 

Later on, I will prepare for you an amazing DIY that you can create in your home to heighten your energetic flow and give your space, whether at home or work, an uplifting facelift. Changing the mood and shifting your space for positivity is real and definitely something that many of us need.  

Even if you're a person that does not typically feel stressed, it is important to balance your daily environment (Helpful links: Uplifting herbal white coffee (orange blossom) recipe here). 

essential oils chamomile orange

Skincare Uses:

I like to use grapefruit oil and occasionally blend it with jojoba oil as a moisturiser, think of it as a serum! It is lovely for blemished skin and often used for acne-fighting cleansing due to its antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties, and may help reduce fat deposits on the skin.2. It works well at night or if you use it in the morning, avoid sun exposure. 

Facial Spray: It’s also a wonderful pre-workout and post-workout body elixir, just add several drops of essential oil to a small spray bottle with water; it will help motivate you, as well as boost a healthy metabolism when drinking the actual juice. I make the body elixir to use for easing my muscles when stretching.  

Remember in this post about some benefits of chamomile? One thing that some people don’t understand when getting into essential oils (for novices and often fairly seasoned users) is that there is a correct way and incorrect way to use them. We will get more into that again, later on.  

Amber bottles essntial oil wellness

Chamomile Education 

German and Roman chamomile is widely used, most notably in herbal teas. German chamomile grows well under cool temperatures and for the flowers, it needs long days in the summer, full sun, and high heat elements to produce the best yields of the oil. German chamomile’s essential oil is known for its antimicrobial and disinfectant components mostly.  

Roman chamomile is believed to have carminative effects, reducing flatulence as well as its sedative properties, so using it to relax is very helpful; the dried flowers of Roman chamomile has been used for blond dyeing, to reduce oxidative stress and for bacterial removal by using the flower heads and essential oil.  

And, because I love the science bits, I won’t get too much into the free radical prevention and cellular protective benefits, but I will tell you something quickly that most people don’t know ... German and Roman chamomile essential oil has a light blue colour due to terpenoid chamazulene, the chemical constituent which makes up 5% of the actual essential oil, but bisabolol (a colourless and viscous oil) is 50% of German chamomile's essential oil.3  

Ever wonder what makes chamomile so healing and calming (especially for people who have allergies)? It’s the chamazulene! You may remember this from when I talked about blue tansy, hence the name (‘blue’). Chamazulene has been extensively studied, it’s basically a powerful natural antihistamine – anti-allergenic, with antioxidants, and it’s the godsend ingredient that provides those tranquil vibes for your body and restorative elements that can heal your skin.    

grapefruit essential oils wild orange

Which essential oil would suit your needs right now?  


My mission is to help you learn more about natural healing methods for your mind, body, and spirit. I hope these posts that I create help you in some way, at the very least educate you to explore more. I have studied ancient herbal medicine for many years, and whilst holistic healing methods are not for everyone, they have indeed worked in my life experience and family for generations. But it is important to listen to your body and do what is right for your lifestyle. 

Rose petals chamomile essential oils

essential oils wellness

The goods: Some items in this post were provided via dōTERRA, a FASHION TALES media blog partner. As always all content and opinions are expressed honestly and are my own. These are suggested benefits for essential oils and herbs. If pregnant, please consult your physician before using holistic remedies. Further ref. on orangeand here1, grapefruit2, and chamomile.3 

amber bottles with essential oils

Remember, essential oils are highly concentrated, and not to be internally, especially in high doses without proper research and an experienced herbalist, or consent from a physician. It is important to understand alternative methods and holistic healing elements are not for everyone but are natural ways of promoting health and wellness. 

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