Blue Lotus Beauty Oil Small Batch Version 

This botanical-infused oil is an excellent way to create your very own small-batch oil for your body and face. Use this as a massage oil or facial serum. Use your preferred oil (avocado oil or olive oil, etc.) for your skin, however, I would not recommend using coconut oil. If you must use coconut oil, then before infusing the herbs you will need to use a Bain Marie (double boiler) to melt the coconut oil completely.  

Lastly, think about what you want your oil to do. For me, I have slightly drier skin and need this to be a calming, age-defying, skin-nourishing and very hydrating oil to use a few times a week. I don’t have acne so this non-comedogenic oil is a good oil for me. Depending on your skin type you may want to blend two oils. 

This recipe may be doubled. I generally make several different versions of this recipe, depending on the herbs or botanical elements I am using.  

blue lotus flower oil


180ml avocado oil, olive oil, or jojoba oil

5g calendula flowers, dried  

10g blue lotus (Nymphaea caerulea) flowers, dried  

20 drops lavender or ylang-ylang essential oil  

*Vitamin E oil - (Optional)


Tools & Supplies: 

Heat-safe jars/bottles with lids/closures 

Sieve/mesh strainer 

Medium saucepan/pot 

Large saucepan/pot  

Large glass jug or bowl with spout 


Dark amber glass bottle(s) 

Label tags with a permanent marker or labeller (if using a Cricut, etc.) 

Dropper(s), or pipettes 


1. Wash all glassware that you are planning to use, in fact, I’d recommend washing a few more bottles than you think you will need so that you have more than enough jars prepped. 

2. Make sure you are using heat-safe glassware. Get ready to sterilise. (Skip this step if you already have heat-safe bottles and jars - sterilised.) Sterilising glass jars after washing is essential and will make everything easier. There are two ways to do it. See this easy way via oven method here 

Wellness Promo


  1. 1. On the hob/stovetop, fill a large saucepan/pot with water about 7cm to 8cm (about 2 to 3 inches). Place the smaller saucepan inside of the large saucepan. Now, carefully add the calendula, blue lotus, and oil inside the smaller saucepan, making certain that no water gets in the oil. Use a bamboo spoon or wooden spoon to gently coat the flower buds and petals with the oil. 

  1. 2. Switch on the heat to low at 37º to 40º degrees centigrade (between 100º to 110º degrees Fahrenheit) for 6 to 8 hours. Carefully use a thermometer, if needed to make certain that the heat does not go beyond 48 degrees centigrade (120º degrees Fahrenheit) — when checking the temperature do not allow water to get into the oil-infused saucepan.  

  1. 3. Switch the heat off. Allow the oil to cool. 

  1. 4. With clean hands, place cheesecloth inside a sieve over a large glass jug or bowl.  

  1. 5. Remove the smaller saucepan and slowly pour the oil mixture into the cheesecloth, allowing the contents to pass through the cloth and mesh strainer. Squeeze the remaining contents and oil from the cheesecloth into the glass jug. Cover the oil with a small piece of new unsoiled cheesecloth, and allow the glass jug to sit for the next two days or at least 24 hours so that any herbal particles will fall and remain on the bottom. 

  2. 6. Use a sieve to strain the oil again, pouring it into a glass jug or glass jar, leaving behind any extra herbal settlement in the bottom of the jar (you don’t want this settlement in your final bottle). 

  1. 7. If there is no settlement or visible particles, then divide the oil and pour it into a small dark/amber glass bottle or glass jar. Secure the jar/bottle with a lid or closure. Label your oil and store it in a cool, dry, and dark place. This will last up to one year. 

    8. Use a dropper or pipette to apply the oil to the skin.


blue lotus flowers


  1. 1. Dark bottles/jars protect your contents from light so that the product will not go rancid.  

  1. 2.  Add vitamin E oil to the final infused mixture, this will help decrease the oxidation of the oil.  

  1. 3. Do not wash the herbs just before doing this DIY. Use dried flowers for this, because adding wet herbs, or water in general to oil will allow it to oxidise quickly, and potentially subject your oil to become rancid or develop mold.  


blue lotus oil and brown bottles

DIY created by Madison of FASHION TALES blog. View other DIYs here, or get more inspiration here.